Yesterday, I went for my follow up visit with my new rheumatologist. He was pleased with (as was I!) how the antibiotics had almost healed up my hands, but we also discussed adding another prescription (which I finally agreed to trying....uggh!). This one will hopefully aid in the tapering off of the steroid more quickly. THAT day will not come soon enough!!!! He also is referring me to neurologist. I was impressed he had already discussed my case with him! So...I'm trying to get on the schedule with yet another specialist. He agrees with my diagnosis, but he (we) wants to rule out any other underlying disease or issue that might be happening with my muscles since traditional treatment is not presenting stellar results thus far. I told him to go ahead and hit me with what he was thinking- I told him I was a big girl and that I could take it :-) Trust me, my mind has pretty much thought up every possible scenario possible. He threw out Inclusion Body Mysositis and malignancy (both I've read about and know those could be possibilities and neither are good scenarios). SO... obviously, I'm praying against both of those scenarios, but he also didn't think malignancy was a huge concern at this point since I've not presented symptoms. I just had a chest x-ray, had a cancer screening in Bangkok, etc. I went for some more testing this morning and scheduled for two more tests next week. It's been a busy "doctor" week (3 of the 5 weekdays) for not only me but the girls. I am thankful for the care and treatment but am a bit doctor weary to honest. It makes me appreciate the basically unwritten "no waiting" policy I experienced, that was nice! As far as the girls...Abigail's blood tests from two weeks ago came back clear. So we have two healthy girls...Praise the Lord!
In more exciting news...Sunday, both girls sang in a musical with their church Young Musicians choir. They just got the music three weeks ago, and they did a great job learning it so fast. It brought such joy to my heart to see both of them up there participating and singing their little hearts out with their friends!
The girls with their choir directors! |
Abigail is the "E".
We are also in the midst of enrolling the girls in their new school for next year...another YAY!!! We went to a meeting Tuesday for incoming 6th graders ( could that be!?!?). It felt great to be a part of a community, and we are all so thrilled about this new chapter in all of our lives. Abigail is excited about art class again, wants to play in the band and try out for a sports team while AA is just BEYOND excited that she's going to be going to school at the same place where her best little buddy, Grace, will be attending (plus her Aunt Debs purchased her her first school uniform shirt...and it's pink so she's way pumped about that, too!).
Life is starting to feel a bit "normal" around here. All the extended family has left. David finished up his retraining and is back flying now- that's going to take some getting used to again since we were used to an awesome schedule the past year and a half. I'm back driving my car some, but I just have to remember to not over do it. It's so easy to think I can do more than I probably really should! I told my doctor that I felt like I have a bit more energy and I can raise my arms just a little bit more than last appointment. Then I explained to him that I still look like a monkey trying to get dressed! I forget the way I have to get dressed is NOT like a normal person would get dressed and it takes me twice as long!
Several friends have brought meals over, shuttled our kids to/from church and playdates, and ALL of it is greatly appreciated. The simplest expressions of care are HUGE to me right now (well, anytime!). When I can save some strength here and there it helps in the long run. I guess one thing that's really been difficult since I've been home is so many people not knowing that I've been (and still am) ill for the past 16 months. So they see me and I "appear" to look fairly normal (except for the lady who told me otherwise....ahem, I'll not start on my rant about her statement!) and they're a bit confused I guess. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance all those emotions and remain hopeful in that I'm seeing slight (oh-so-slight) improvements for which I'm deeply thankful. The other thing that's difficult for me (and David) is trying to find our place back at our church. When we moved we told our Bible study class that David wouldn't be teaching the class when we returned, and I wouldn't be directing the department either. It was "their" class now...time to spread their wings and fly! That's the intent of any class, but it's hard because we're such a team when it comes to that. Obviously, I cannot physically take on any responsibilities right now, but it feels strange to be a "receiver" than a giver (or a giver in a different way than before). We know it's for a season, but it's still very difficult. So...patience for us in finding our place back in the fold is on the top of our list, too. All in all, things are going fairly well with our transition. There are definitely some difficult things we are trying to get used to again- (sticker shock on how much things cost in the USA, people not being able to relate to our experiences overseas, feeling a little "lost" yet searching for our place, etc.). The weather back home has been beautiful, and it's feels really great to be home!