Monday, May 14, 2012

Mommy's Day

Yesterday was a great day.  Miracle #1 and Miracle #2 greeted me with breakfast in bed, handmade cards and gifts, and hubby greeted me with beautiful flowers the day before to enjoy throughout the weekend.  After church we came home, and I crashed with a killer nap- the kind that hurts when you wake up!    Then my man grilled out and Miracle #1 made brownies- yummo.  If you know us well, you know our car pretty much drives to Costco by itself (yes, many times for Sunday lunch...long story!).  I wonder if some of the workers noticed we hadn't frequented their awesome store in the last year and a half???  No, I did NOT have Mother's day lunch at Costco, BUT our car found it's way there  a little later in the afternoon to purchase....
THIS...the Ninja!  NO, it's not a Mother's Day present even though it was purchased on Mother's Day.  I'm WAY too young to be given domesticated gifts for Mother's Day, birthday, Christmas, or any other important holiday (!?!?).  Well, that's always been the joke, but it looks like I might be growing up now.  In an effort to change some eating habits we've been doing the smoothie thing for a few weeks, and our little- itty- bitty- nothing- blender wasn't making the cut.  Can we say, "bye bye little white blender?"  This Ninja is a bad crushes ice in about two seconds flat!

My babies' daddy- I love you and I love that you took me to Costco on Mother's Day ;-)

I cannot celebrate a Mother's Day without giving thanks for my own mom and Audrey An's birth mother, foster mother, and all the other women from the orphanage who cared for and loved on our little Miracle #2 until God saw fit to bring her into our family.  I'm so grateful for each of you!

Abigail and Audrey An, I love you very much!  I'm delighted to be called your mommy.   You are both so unique, but you both fit perfectly into our family!  You each bring an interesting dynamic to our family and bring out the best in each other.  Without you, our family wouldn't be the same.   You both bring you joy to my life, and I am honored to call you both "daughter"...I'll always b you mommy!


Danielle and Ryan said...

Proud of you guys for getting a blender...good job!

Tamara Joy said...

I got a Ninja for Mom's Day too!! I love it!!