Post -op Day 1
11:00 am: wow. Not a good morning for Chan the Man. He rested fairly well and didn't complain of pain in the night, but after they sat him up to check his epidural he turned into Chan the Very Mad Man like I've never seen! He was in so much pain, throwing things and screaming to get those casts off! I was literally dodging things flying through the air. It reminded me of Abigail's appendecitis pain and her screaming "take it out now!" He's resting now, thankfully.
I've had a whirlwind of emotions these past 24 hours-grateful that Chan has his family to hold his hand and pray for him every step of his hospitalization and recovery yet such deep sadness for my daughter who had surgery prior to her adoption and went through that completely alone or thinking about what would've happened to Chan as he'd never get physical help. Can't even imagine- for either. Truly.
12:30- another tough bout with pain. They epidural seemed to work through the night but I think it has lost the effectiveness. They weren't sure if epidural would be a complete success because the opening is much smaller for him. Oh well, thankful it helped him through the night! We are about to have some wheelchair transfer training. Fun times :-)
BLUE casts, pain has eased, did his transfer pretty much all by himself. He's determined!
All my munchkins...and they match! Ha.
Thankful for pain relief this afternoon and praying for restful sleep for all! Hoping for Thursday discharge...could be Friday.