Last Monday (Valentine's Day) we woke up the girls in the middle of the night, hopped on the motor bike to catch a flight to go on "holiday" (as they call it here). Now, don't forget four people on a motorbike is quite cozy and there's definitely not room for a suitcase! So you must be thinking how did we swing that??? David and Abigail wedged the suitcase on our "ride" the nite before and dropped it off at the G.O. I know you're thinking it would have been much easier to get a taxi, but not that time of the morning, and some food delivery can't quite seem to find our apartment either so a taxi probably couldn't either! So, there ya have it! There's more than one way to skin a cat, right!
I can't EVEN begin to tell you how much I was ready for a beach get away. It is my most fave place to go on vacation...LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I've needed quadruple doses of vitamin D lately, and I was bound and determined to get it. It's a good thing we were planning on being outside all week because the "resort" (and I use that term very loosely!) was less than stellar. It was more like a back packers paradise I would say. The first nite we were placed in a room with no AC...ugggh. Not quite the island paradise in which I was hoping, but I think most all of the David's coworkers had stayed here so we decided to try it. We were able to move the next nite to a room with AC and it was much more bearable. Let's just say I've never had to be in a room with mosquito netting that wasn't used for decoration only. I do love that the girls didn't seem to mind nite #1 tooooo much because they were so thrilled that our room had white and blue mosquito netting and blue polka dotted curtains...what could possibly be wrong with a room like that, ya know!? We definitely made some memories!
Room #1- rather rustic, ya think? The bathroom didn't deserve a picture : ) |
but THIS made it ALLLLLLLLL better : )
We rented a motor bike for the week, and here are SOME of my favorite things we saw/did! I do believe we all understand the fascination of all those Harley Davidson Bike Clubs, is awesome to ride! It's a tad difficult trying to choose your favorite images when both hubby and wifey love to take pics!
flip flops anyone?
This is some serious sand playing!
local market that sold fresh produce, meat, fish, everything!
eeney meeney mineymo...who shall give me a massage on the beach today? decisions, decisions...only $2.50 usd for an hour long massage! The only thing I stressed about all week was when they massaged my face and poured like 5 gallons of baby oil on my face...wondering how many zits I was going to wake with the next morning : )
Ever had breakfast with a monkey on a leash? We have.
I think they must let students go home for lunch. We always see them riding/walking during the lunch hour.
So this is what a family of four looks like while riding a motor bike.
So what does one look like after you ride a motor bike all day while wearing a helmet and sunglasses? A raccoon. This gives all new meaning to pancake make up!
On part of the island we felt like we were back in the wild west.
We get so tickled at all the children who wave and say "hello" to us in their best english...sooooo sweet and precious!
LOVE all of them!
Dragon dance at the Night fun!
probably my most favorite of the week...there's a story to tell in this one!
We went to Buddy's every night for ice cream!
To top off a great week, David flew us home. We was beaming the entire day because he'd been waiting a long time for all his girls to be on one of his flights. You did a great job, baby!