Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Family Bonding

Today, there's finally some SUNSHINE outside and I think HE placed it there just for ME.  I know that may sound selfish, but....oh well!!!  We've all caught a stomach bug (minus Audrey An) and have had some rather not-so-wonderful-family-bonding time if you know what I mean.  There's just about nothing worse when your daughter is sick as a dog, but you're sicker than the dog.  I could barely drum up enough energy to pour her some sprite and get her a cracker.  The last two days would have been the time I would have paid big bucks for a nanny/helper/cook!  Although I do have to say our sweet little AA stepped up to the plate-as much as a 6 yr old could- and played nurse to all of us.  I think she felt pretty special actually to feel like she was helping so much!!  Poor David was at work when he got sick...I'm sure that wasn't pleasant.  No pilot ever wants to make the "walk of shame."  Okay, David, just forgive me right now...love you : )

A precious little angel came and brought me crackers, bananas, sports drink, etc.  OH, I could have kissed her!  What a blessing she was.  Just a reminder to all those back home...that's no simple task either.  She hailed a taxi, went to a market for the crackers and drinks, walked to another market for the produce, dropped it our place, and then she had to walk 1/4  mile to hail another taxi to her back home.  PLEASE be thankful for your car(s) and Super Target : )  Be a blessing to those who are in need-especially when you have all the conveniences you have at your disposable.  OH! since this week they are celebrating their new year, EVERYTHING shuts down for about a week, seriously.  I'm talking banks, restaurants, markets, grocery stores...everything.  We've been making withdrawals from the ATM and stocking up on groceries for a week now.

So...off to saturate the apartment with clorox and maybe get a tan today.  LOL!!!  Today IS a new day!!!!

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