Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dad's Day and an infusion

Happy Father's Day...thanks for being a great dad!  My three favorite memories with my dad are him taking our family out on the boat, looking up in the stands during one of my track practices and seeing him taking the time to watch his little girl round those corners, and him teaching me how to triple jump.  Love you, dad!
David, thanks for being an awesome daddy!  Your girls adore you, and I'm so thankful that you are always looking for fun things to do with them...making memories!  They  love spending time with you (as do I!).
Two weeks Super Daddy planted a garden with the girls- something he'd been planning for quite awhile.  He loaded up the girls in the car and off they went to pick out some veggies and flowers to plant.  It was a great project for daddy and his girls!
The girls are already seeing results from their tomato plant...very cool!
All planted!  tomatoes, sweet basil, cilantro, watermelon...yummy!  The girls are learning to take responsibility with "their garden"...fabulous!
Then...they built a birdhouse!  It wasn't good enough to buy a ready-made one, Super Daddy had to build it from scratch, BUT the girls didn't mind.  They LOVE doing projects with their daddy!
He SO puts me to shame!  (I did buy the paints!)

We're not able to be with David today due to his flying schedule...fooey!  The girls and I hid little surprises in his suitcase so he'd find throughout his trip this weekend.  We hope you're having a great day...we love you!  Hurry home ;-)
Two more special daddies to mention on this special day:  Audrey An's birth father (who we'll never know ) and her foster dad.  The above picture are her foster parents and foster brother (Audrey An is on the right with the Mickey Mouse shirt).
I know I've posted photo before, but I THIS is a very cool picture...adoptive daddy meets foster daddy!  So surreal and such a very special moment in our lives.  This was taken several months ago.  Just like Mother's Day, Father's Day has different meaning to me since Audrey An joined our family.  I praise God for all these special men in her life and see HIS story being played out in her life.

Medical update:  I had my appointment last Wednesday with another new doctor.  David was able to go with me, and I was so thankful the girls were in vacation bible school and sports camp this week because we were there for 5 1/2 hours!  It was a great appointment though,  and I was so thank for my sweet friend, Gina, who recommended her and helped me get an appointment.  After a quick exam and review of my last lab results from the rheumatologist, she basically said my body is riddled in infection (that's what David and I have been saying for over a year now!).  Looooong story short, I had several vials of blood taken, and I spent almost 2 1/2 h ours in the "infusion room".  I had never been to a doctor's office like this.  The infusion room reminded me of when I've seen picture of friends who are going through chemo treatments and they're lined up with the IV poles.  That was me on Wednesday!  I have to say I didn't feel any improvement until Saturday (but, hey....that's not too long of a wait!).  I had a GREAT day yesterday! It's amazing what some sleep will do for me.  WOW...I haven't been able to write that in a very long time.  I just cried with the girls in the car yesterday because I was (am) SO thankful for a good day!!!  We ran several errands with out me giving out.  I did laundry without giving out.  I even took the girls swimming at a friend's house after all of that.   I had more was just a good day! Although Friday night I had about 7  hours of sleep cumulatively and it helped SO much, I was back to 3 hours last night....uggh!  Keep praying for NO INSOMINA.  Slept deprivation just makes me whack!!!!

I follow up with this new doc in two more weeks and will get all the lab results then (hoping sooner!).  Again, thank you to all who continue to pray for my healing and wisdom for doctors.  I feel like I'm this gigantic jigsaw puzzle, and I might have at least the corner pieces put together now.

The other thing I'm thankful in regards to David today is that he's had to remind me over the past few weeks that I AM making progress.  For me, it's so slow I can't see it sometimes.  The night before this last appointment I was discouraged and just sick and tired of being sick and tired, ya know!?  He reminded me that just a few short months ago I could barely get out of bed, wasn't able to drive my car and just a few short WEEKS ago he was still having to get me out of the bathtub. I'm able to maneuver the tub now, and I even started walking (for exercise) just a tiny, tiny bit a few times a week.  Thanks for being my cheerleader, David.  not only are you a great daddy, you are a wonderful husband!  I love you!

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