Friday, October 22, 2010

Flying and more Flying!

Get two pilots together and what do they talk about?  I'll give you a big hint: lots of metal, has wings, and it now pays the bills!  Last week we pulled the girls out of school for a couple of days to take a much needed trip to visit Big D (David's grandfather).  He had never met Audrey An, and David had been wanting to tell his grandfather how much he appreciated the impact on his life for quite some time now.  Big D was (is) the kind of grandfather who took time to spend with his grandson and foster a love in him about flying.  So, Big D, a big thank you for impacting your grandson- my husband.  I'll be forever grateful to you for that!  God has allowed him to pursue a career that he loves, and neither of us take that for granted.  A good lesson for us as parents- "train a child in the way he should go..."

With the death of my grandmother a few weeks ago it just made us realize how we couldn't delay this trip any longer.   It truly was such a special trip for all of us!  David drove us to Nag's Head, NC, one day to show us the place where he spent a lot of summers growing up at his grandparent's home.  I've heard about Nag's Head and the Outer Bank Islands all my married life but had never been there until now- very cool.  Although the neighborhood had changed it was still very cool to see the house where he remembered playing in the backyard on the sand dunes and swimming in the ocean all summer long.  We took the girls up into a lighthouse and they though that was so cool (as did I!).  We went to the Oregon Inlet Fishing Center where they'd fish, toured two aviation museums (of course!), and showed the girls Kitty Hawk (where daddy's obsession with planes all started!).

David, so glad you took me on this adventure to show me and our girls where you have such special  memories.  I'll never forget it, and you'll never forget the great conversations you had with your grandfather last week.  Thanks for taking the time to let us all into your "world" a little more.  I love you!
2 pilots enjoying their trade!
AA's face says it all!
They even found Big D's old log book...very cool!
future pilot? to see KittyHawk.
 The hill where the first flight of the Wright Brothers took place on December 17, 1903!
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Nag's Head
Oregon Inlet
Ft. Henry
In the "old" lighthouse overlooking the newer lighthouse
inside the lighthouse
Oh yeah...forgot to tell ya that if Abigail had been a boy, David wanted to name "him" after this man, "Yeager"!  Chuck Yeager was the first man to ever fly faster than the speed of sound.  Does that sound like my husband or what?!?!

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