Friday, November 5, 2010

Thanks a lot, Eve!

Okay, let me just get it off my chest from the get go-  Men should NOT be in the field of gynecology...JUST sayin'!!!!!   How could you be a doctor who has a post-op hysterectomy patient sitting laying in front of you bawling her eyes saying she feels so horrible and to PLEASE help her with her hormone levels not be sensitive to that???  Seriously???  What is wrong with this picture?  Did he get up on the wrong side of his bed or is HE going through menopause?  Oh my word, I'm so extremely frustrated.  I'm just waaaaaay too young to feel the way I feel, and I'm bound and determined to find someone who is willing to help me get all this figured out.  God, I'm asking you to send a female doctor who is patient, sensitive, and willing to expend some energy on me...just me- and to do NOW (pretty please).  ALL women are uniquely made, and unfortunately, my mom, my sister and me (oh, Lord, please spare my daughters!) have always fallen into the medical category of "oh, that only happens in 1%-2% of cases"....uggh.

Psalm 139 says I'm uniquely and wonderfully made, but Genesis 3 says that there was a woman named Eve that totally goofed things up for me (and all other women- thank you...ha!), too.  Ummm, not feeling "wonderfully made" right now, but I DO KNOW that God will help me get through this.  So...maybe I should go clean my house now with praise music blaring (that's what I do when I feel out of control!).  Oh my, is that why my house is usually so clean?  Okay, nevermind.  Don't answer that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we love Jesus yes we do we Love Jesus and you do tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
we love you aa