Thursday, November 4, 2010

50 fingers

my future son-in-law
my sassy goddaughter

my beautiful cowgirl
my li'l punk'n
best of friends...ready to conquer the Fall Festival!
This past weekend I had the privilege of spending time with my best friend, Kristina, and all these cute kids.  I'm so grateful for all the memories we've made over the years and look forward to many, many more!  I don't think I've ever seen kids play, adore and love each other as these kiddoes.  I think often why these 40 fingers have such kindred spirits like their mommy and I do.  I think know it's because we all pray for each other.  We all have shared some great joys and some great sorrows as well.  In May of this year my best friend and her husband lost their 24 week old baby, Rex.  For some reason (only God knows) Kristina didn't get to deliver and bring home her bouncing baby boy like we had prayed and hoped.  Instead, she experienced a very traumatic event in her life, and I continue to pray that God will heal her (and her family) wound of what she experienced.  Tragedy doesn't just effect the mommy.  It effects the daddy, other children and those close to them.  We all respond to grief in different ways. We often times don't know how to respond in a crisis like this- I didn't, and she's my best friend.  She's the one in my life who knows me better than anyone-other than my hubby.  She's the one who "gets" me and I with her.  David "gets" me, but he "gets" me as best as he can through his "maleness" (love you, babe!). She's the one who is on her knees for me (literally!) at 4:30 in the morning because she loves me and prays fervently for me (and so many others).  Before I boarded the plane back home on Tuesday I had to ask her to forgive me.  I got a lump in my throat.  I was sweating like a pig. I was trying to control a quivering chin.  I was streaming tears (I get that way when I'm nervous!).  You see, I haven't known how to help her through this grief in her life- a tiny little baby boy named Rex but a huge loss.  Kristina, I love you dearly.  I can't even imagine the pain you continue to feel.  I do know the the God whom we both love and serve PROMISES to heal the broken hearted.  It may not come in the timing we want (OH, how we both know that!), but He is the One who heals our wounds and wraps us in His arms in tender mercies.  I know we had such fun with these 40 fingers this weekend, but I'm sorry there weren't 50 fingers with us, too.  I love you.

1 comment:

Stacie said...

There were 50 fingers there that day.

God had his touch there with his amazing 10 fingers that knitted and created everything we experience, even our sorrows.

As a daughter of a woman who lost three babies, I can say that even 30 years later, my mom still mourns the loss of her babies, but some how, just some how, God healed her broken heart and brought some peace.

Hope she feels God's amazing 10 fingers soon :)

God spoke to me while reading this, and I recalled this verse that I once read that stuck with me.

Amazing how it talks about his hands and the love of a child...

Isaiah 49:14-16
But Zion said, "The LORD has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me." "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."