to be able to hop in my car
! Today is one of those days I'm missing the convenience of a car- NOT that having a car in this city would be much help because there are no parking lots. So, it would really be more of a pain than a help. So, having a car here would present another problem. Now, having a personal driver is another story...that could be NICE.
Today, I went to physical therapy for my re-twisted ankle (which I was very thankful and looking forward to be weird is that??). We've had major hiccups with our insurance so I've not been going, but I'm having such problems with it I decided I'm going anyway. David the chauffeur was leaving on a trip so the girls and I rode our bikes to the clinic...YAY, that I can ride to the clinic! We're so close now it only takes us 5 minutes to get there. Anyway...when we left the clinic it was raining; hence, the comment/yearning about the car. Yes, days like today when it's raining AND I have on an ankle brace AND I have a 34 lb. child riding on the back of my bike AND have deteriorated muscles AND my rain pancho cap keeps falling in front of my eyes AND my lovely 34 lb. "tail" drops the newly purchased umbrella in the middle of the street- is when I'd like my old, white, paid for, very convenient Jeep. Oh well, my newly purchased, white, paid for, better-than-nothing bicycle will have to do! We sold both of our cars back in the states anyway (insert sigh)!
Since last post I learned that my ESR (that's the inflammation marker) is slightly elevated and I'm going to be on my meds longer than I had hoped. Don't really know more about anything at this point. Just more wait and see. Pray and hope.
Too bad the paparazzi wasn't out in full force to caption the vision of loveliness on my bike today! Oh, and my sister will be happy to know that my super cool rain boots she gave me for Christmas last year not only serve as little umbrellas for my feet, but they make GREAT doorstops.
Okay...I'm rambling, but, oh well. It's my
therapy blog. I can do that, right : )