Monday, October 10, 2011

Secret Keeper Girl Date #3

Okay, so I've totally gotten behind on our SKG dates with my favorite li'l Abigail! Oh, how we've both missed our special dates.  I guess with the busyness of the move and school starting our special dates got pushed a little too far on the back burner.  Abigail was thrilled when I told her to pack her bag and we were going for our "date"!  A little spontaneity is good for the soul at times.  This is how we spent the afternoon today...
We hopped on our bikes...
found a little peace of quiet in the hustle bustle of the neighborhood, discussed, shared, and prayed about what I Peter 3:3-4 means...
did some reading on our own...
did some thinking and praising on our own...and then together.

I had to confess to my daughter that I have struggled with this verse lately and have had to really keep things in check.  I've been remembering what I posted in my last SKG date.  I believe every single bit of it and will never change my mind on it.  I admit gaining weight, losing some hair, prying my wedding ring off/on and looking like a red tomato on parts of my body due to the medications I'm taking has made me feel frumpy and not very "lovely".  I also discussed with her that those are very real emotions and  perfectly normal to have those thoughts as a girl/woman.  It's what we do with them is what is important.   I explained that's been even harder for me recently when I'm asking God to "put off" the yucky feelings/thoughts/frustrations/insecurities and "put on" the pure/good/lovely/excellent/admirable/praise worthy things and don't feel very victorious.   You see, I think know perseverance has been trying to make its way into my middle name this year.  Even mommies have hard times...I pray I can reflect some ounce of graciousness and gentleness to them even when I'm not "feeling" lovely on the inside or outside right now.  "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Word will not pass away."  I pray that my girls will see a mommy that perseveres even in hardship.  I hope they take note of stopping to pray for a family back home who just lost their son very unexpectedly this weekend.  I hope that my girls will remember a mommy who went to go pray with a lady this morning even though in my head was fighting thoughts of wanting to stay home.  Thank goodness, I have a Savior who perseveres with me and didn't give up on me even when he probably didn't "feel" like praying for me...

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."  I Pt. 3:3-4

 We had a lovely time together! Just what Abs and I needed to do together today.  We ended our date with a challenge- one that I'm looking forward to doing with her.  Guess you'll have to go on date #3 with your daughter to know what the challenge is!

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