Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Another Bend in the Road

2pm:  Wow...just when David and I made a decision about the next treatment option I get an unexpected email.  This shouldn't surprise me, but I have to say I wasn't expecting this one.   For a couple of weeks now we've been earnestly praying if we are to pursue the traditional chinese medicine route for treatment.  Trust me, there's been tons of pros and cons come to mind, but ultimately we came to have a peace that maybe we are suppose to give this a try given the fact we're in their back door, traditional "western" medicine is not doing me a lot of good, and I feel time is ticking away!  I am MORE than ready to be well.  I feel like I've been patient, prayed fervently, sought counsel, kept an open mind, done everything my doctors have told me and then some. The email suggested I go to the national hospital for a consult/treatment.  Hmmm...I then wondered how I would possibly swing that (translation, etc.) when this particular doctor who emailed will be leaving the country...for good...in just a few weeks.  Well, lovely...just lovely.  Like I said, just when we thought we were headed down the right path, then we get yet another bend in the road.  All I could keep quoting to myself (after I grumped quite a bit!) this afternoon was, "The Lord gives wisdom.  The Lord gives wisdom.  The Lord gives wisdom."

On some days (like today) I feel like I don't know the voice of God and how's He leading me in some circumstances.  I know He's not trying to trick us or trip us up.  That's totally not His nature! Today, I was needing a "YES" or "NO" to what treatment path on which to be.  This afternoon I just lost it.  Completely lost it.  Yes, I had the ugly cry...again.  David was speechless, helpless- bless his heart.  I felt like I was having an out of body experience (yes, I'm still delusional due to lack of sleep and my ears are still driving me nutso!).  I know "my thoughts are not His thoughts and my ways are not His ways".  Again, trying to keep focused on His promises is H.A.R.D right now.   If I were a drinker, trust me...this afternoon would have been the day to chug a few...just sayin' (PTL I'm not though!!!).  Yes, that's evil/fleshly Mrs. Dermatomyositis talking in that last sentence : )

8:30pm:  While visiting with a friend tonight this hospital came into conversation...random.  He'd been there and met with a local doctor (who spoke ENGLISH and said was very helpful!).  So...now I have a business card of this doctor.  I get home and email this traditional medicine doctor I met with a couple of weeks ago and asked if she knew of her...she did.  She's setting up an appointment (AND she's going with us...).  She doesn't want me to panic and is trying everything in her power to set me up for success before she leaves.  Again, WHO does this in the states??? Answer: NO one.  So grateful for doctors who communicate with and CARE about their patients out here!

10:00pm:  David calls a doctor friend back in the states to discuss his thoughts on the traditional chinese medicine (he's trained in that) plus the AP therapy. Okay, first, miracle #1 that David was able to get him on the phone (and on the first try!) and miracle #2... WOW...he knew all about the AP therapy and starts quoting all this stuff that we've been reading about!  He's even prescribed the therapy to patients himself.  Nobody out here knows about it (at least that we know of).   A.M.A.Z.I.N.G  It kinda gave us goose bumps, seriously.

So....all that to say I'm MOST grateful for a God who knows just how much I can handle, swoops in and holds me tight, encourages me through different people tonight in the most obscure conversations.  Maybe I can hear His voice after all???  Okay, well, I'm (we're) trying.  Maybe we are on the right path but just another bend in the road...

These past two conversations and last email may not sound like a big deal, but trust me they are.  When I'm counting the weeks, days, and sometimes minutes for healing and relief and you feel like you're in sinking sand, EVERY bit of wisdom and encouragement is most welcome!

"HE will NEVER leave [me] or forsake [me]."
Off to get some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  Please, "May my sleep be sweet" tonight!
"JOY comes in the morning..."

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