Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Family Tradition...

This past weekend we were asked to share with our fellowship a Christmas tradition- something unique to our family or to our culture.  See below our photo essay that was shared by our family...
The first picture shared was our first Christmas with Audrey An (but our last Christmas back "home") in 2009.
We then shared that we always make a special dinner and bring out our best china and crystal, followed by reading of the Christmas story and opening gifts.
When we're with my family at my parent's house we act out the Nativity Story.  My two nephews are the sheperds and my brother-in-law is Joseph.   Abigail is the angel and Audrey An is Mary.  Guess who's the "wise guy" in the red???
Here I am with my sister about 35 years ago doing the same thing!
Now, when we're with my family we gather around the piano after Christmas dinner (or lunch) and sing Christmas carols and play duets (yes , EVERYONE is required to participate, too- from youngest to oldest).  My dad reads the Christmas story....then comes the lighting of the yule log.  This log is now 46 years old.  My parents cut it down their first Christmas together as a young married couple.  A candle represents a member of my original family ( it now represents my parents, my grandmother, my sister's family and my family).  It's a time for our family to reflect on God's goodness and how He has worked in each of our families in that particular year.  I have to say, I get nervous every year because I cry.  Imagine cry!?!  Well, when we shared this Sunday, I cried.  Yes, of course, I did.  I felt right at home!  I imanaged to get some of my thoughts out of my lips...wish I could have written it and posted it on the!!

Lighting the yule log Christmas 2009 in my childhood home.
Audrey An went first and said she was thank for a home and a family (that might seem like a pretty generic answer, but for this 6 year it has an entire new meaning for our family and she says that SO often in her prayers).  Abigail said she was thankful for the friends she has made while in this country and the family time we've had together this year.  David shared he was thankful for some godly men who had come alongside him to encourage and support him as well.  I shared that I was so thankful for my family- for their love and support.  This year was not what any of us expected and a difficult one- not for just me.  Also, I am thankful that even though is has been a very difficult year- and one they none of us could have ever anticipated- I am grateful the Lord has been my "loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge" (Ps 144).  Through some tears I finally got out that I couldn't even imagine going through hardships of life without hope...The One and Only Hope- the birth of the Christ child my family and I celebrate this Christmas season. 
Same mantle, same yule log, same girl (just a little younger and with real blonde hair!)  Hard to believe I'm the same age as Abigail in this picture : )
All the yule log participants (my parents, my grandmother, my sister's family!

This is our last Christmas together with David's family (his dad, his sister's family

David ended our sharing time this weekend with, "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;  rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!  Therefore God exalted him t o the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Phil. 2:5-11

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