Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I can't believe I'm sending Christmas greetings for the second time already from overseas! This time last year we'd only been in country less than two weeks, and now we've journeyed a complete year in a foreign country.

I have to admit, I typically have our tree decorated the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas letter and family picture completed, and most gifts purchased if not wrapped by the first couple weeks in December. I like to have all my ducks in a row (and a very nice and neat one at that!). That's just the way God made me. This year I've not been able to keep all my ducks (aka plans) lined up quite as nicely as I'd would have liked.

David, Abigail, Audrey An & I have completed a year long journey- and a journey it's been. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Our family has had a once in a lifetime opportunity to live in another country, meet people from all over the world, experience and appreciate different cultures, explore God's beautiful creation, and be enriched with family time that none of us would trade. What a blessing!

For David, it's been a positive move for him professionally. He's been able to fly in some very different and challenging situations. Being an expat is a very unique experience. David and I have commented often that he'll most likely not ever be in this type of work situation again. Since the company is a small start up one, it's a very close knit work family- not only professionally but personally. We all live near each other. We eat, play, and many travel together.

For the girls, it's been a time to meet new friends, stretch their imaginations and creativity, learn to eat new foods, wait for mommy at doctor appointments, and go on super cool motor bike rides with daddy. They have been able to take art and drama classes which they have thoroughly enjoyed! Despite the challenges of my health, they've done remarkably well with home school. I'm amazed at what they've been able to accomplish. It's truly been only by God's grace and a great daddy who's stepped in there to supplement when mommy hasn't been able to do a very stellar job.

For me, it's been a year of experiencing quite a range of emotions. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought just after two months moving here that I would have been diagnosed with such a life threatening and life altering disease- dermatomyositis. I will not bore you with all the details since I've divulged my every thought (well, almost every thought!) and lessons learned (or learning) on this blog this past year. It's been a time of intense reflection on my part as I've had many hours, days and months of “being still and knowing that HE is God.” I'm still learning that, but I can say with great confidence that God has been my Rock, my Fortress, and my Deliverer. He's used many different doctors and many different avenues to get me to the place of improvement now. God is my Great Physician and continues to guide my healing process (and time line!). You just can't always line up your ducks the way you want them!

I do want to leave you with a special gift though. It's the reason my family and I celebrate Christmas. It's the gift of a precious little baby who was born a very long time ago named Jesus. He's a gift for all cultures, all races, all women, all men, and all children who are willing to accept this gift and put their faith in Him. I'm humbled that just this week there was a person in our home who has never heard the “famous” Christmas carols in which most people even reading this are familiar. May you reflect this season on the Giver of True Gifts...and share it with someone who hasn't heard! Everyone likes a Christmas gift, and that's the best one ever!

David, Christa, Abigail & Audrey An

special afternoon of making gingerbread houses with friends at the cooking center
My little worker bee
always ready to strike a pose
The finished products!

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