Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Snap, crackle....

POP...and I'm not talking Rice Krispies.  Well, I went to the chiropractor for the first time last week.  I've always been a bit freaked out by them, but I do have several friends who go to one regularly and promise they couldn't live without their chiropractor!  I figured Dr. M would soon be recommending me go since she offices with was just a matter of time.  So, I put my big girl pants on and went for a consult like she recommended. This doctor does NOT do any "snap, crackle, pop" (or I'd been running out out of there so fast!).  She uses the Atlas Orthogonal method which is a specialized method in chiropractic practices.  Well, what do ya know, after pre-adjustment x-rays...I have a severe neck injury.  Who would've thunk it!?!  Long story short...honestly, does this surprise me!?!?  What's one more issue, ya know ;-)  I was in a bad car accident back in high school and had lots of sports injuries so I guess all of that balled up made one nice neck misalignment for her to treat.  I'm grateful though.  Maybe this is just one more piece of my puzzle that God continues to reveal to me.  Dr. D (the chiropractor) is extremely nice, gentle and puts up with all my questions!!  She even called me at home to check on me the next day!  After one adjustment in my neck my left leg "dropped" an inch (back to where it should be).  After trying to educate myself and listening to her explanations, it really all does make perfect sense how being misaligned can cause a host of issues.  When one's spine and neck aren't aligned properly it inhibits the central nervous system to work properly.  Now I know my head has never really been screwed on!!!

As many of you know the past few weeks have been less than stellar for me healthwise.  To quote Dr. M yesterday, "Well, we've had a little set back.  Sometimes healing in one's body takes one step forward and two steps back." Dr. M took blood work again so hopefully I'll find out those results at my appointment next week.  She changed up some meds again, gave me 6 infusions, and I went to the chiropractor again all in one day.  I'll be going twice a week for at least 5 more weeks to the chiropractor since I'm in what she calls "intensive care".  I AM GOING TO RISE ABOVE THIS!!!  "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!"  Phil. 4:13  Of course, the steps backwards begin to take a toll on anyone included.  Thanks goodness I have hope in the Lord or I don't know how I'd handle any of this (or life!).  Praise God that He's so patient with me because I'm not always very patient in His timing and His choice of how and when to work in my life.  I must remember that "His Ways are not our [my] ways!"

On a lighter note...  Abigail came home from volleyball practice last night jumping up and down with excitement!  God's timing is so wonderful, ya know (ok, I need to read that again!  God's timing in wonderful.  There. I said it again.).  She made TEN serves in a row during practice...woo hoo!!!!!  The coach told the girls they had to complete ten in a row before she would let them start practicing overhand serves.  Abs was 1 of 3 on her team who could do it.  This was a HUGE confidence booster for her and SUCH a tangible way for her to see God working in her life.  We've been praying, and she's been practicing with her daddy. PRAYER. POWER. PERSEVERANCE!!!!  She even said during P.E. they played volleyball and she kept serving them over and over and everyone was clapping.  She said, "mom, it got kind of embarassing with everyone cheering!" THAT'S what I call an "above and beyond more than we can ever imagine" answered prayer!  Now, let's transfer this success to her game on Monday and she'll been super duper stoked!

* Abigail's volleyball success!
* Audrey An's teacher set her up with a reading tutor!
*We've just hired a friend to help David do the drywall in our guest bath!
*Dr. M readjusted some meds to get me back on track!
*I finished that "extra" steroid dose pack so sleep is slowly improving!

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