Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tweeney boppers!

We had Abigail's birthday party last Saturday night.  She was beyond excited to have a party back home with old friends plus a few of her new friends from school. I had a few more pics to add to my last post of our special out of town birthday weekend, too.
The birthday girl with one of her besties, Laurel.  She and her mom came over early to help me get things together- so nice and very much appreciated!
Tons-o-fun with twister, karoake, and of course, some volleyball!
Sweet group of gals!

Blowing out candles on the famous cookie cake that stressed her momma out making!  It was worth it because she was thrilled, and it turned out tasting and looking pretty good.  I love Audrey An's face in this pic, too!
Team Volleyball found their way to the driveway to "set things up".

Medical update:
I went to the new dentist on Monday for a consultation.  I had three cracked fillings and a broken tooth!  Knowing that Dr. M  thought possibly the root of my infection might possibly be coming from my mouth I asked them how soon can we have the fixed!  Well, I went back on Tuesday and after three hours of drilling, fixing, and a hefty dental bill...I'm all fixed (at least for now as far as my mouth goes).  He made sure I understood that he was not a miracle worker and he just fixes teeth, but if I had as much decay under all those filling s that he said I did I can't help but wonder if MAYBE it's a contributing factor to my illness...bacteria creeping throughout my body from my mouth...eeek!?!?  We shall see.

*I totally forgot to post last week that Abigail made her serve over the net in her game last week plus had several good vollies...woohoo!
* God's protection over me while coming home from dentist- flat tire along with a contact in my eye that decided to not cooperate while I'm driving!
*Abigail made a 97 on a math test today (she's been struggling and stressing over this subject)!
*Parent/teacher conference with AA's teacher today!
* Neighbors who were willing to take the girls to church on Sunday because I was wiped out from being birthday party planner momma!
*Bathroom renovation is getting closer to completion thanks to our friend, Merle, who did the drywall!  Now, we need to pick a potty, paint color and vanity (David's installing the floors right now)!

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