Monday, October 8, 2012

Busy Beavers

Thank you to all who remembered Audrey An in your prayers last week.  She had a GREAT first week in her new class with what seems to have been a pretty flawless transition!  God really did go before her and protect her heart.  The principal and teachers were really great and welcomed her with open arms.  She says she still misses her second grade friends, but I think she sees them fairly often in the hallway and coming and going from lunch- she can grab some hugs then!  She even told me last Monday night (nite before she started her new class) that she thought God had answered her prayers because her heart was better about it all!

First time skating as a family (well, minus mom)...isn't that a nifty contraption for new skaters!
The girls and I got to spend a long weekend during Fall Break with Kristina...the kids filled their time with swimming, going to the zoo, playing spies and school!
Abigail's first time to sing with the "youth" of our church...second to top row on end left.
David was in town for one of Ab's volleyball games and was a line judge.  Abs is at the net. 

Guest bath remodel is coming along.  Floors, drywall, tub and potty are in (after purchasing and installing THREE toilets!).  This project has proven to be probably the most frustrating for David to date, bless his heart. I hope it's finished by the time my parents come for a visit in a few weeks!!!!
Medical updates:
Abigail- We had her follow up appointment last Friday and received all her test results back.  I don't know if you remember, but last summer she was pretty sick and diagnosed with mono.  When we moved back her pediatrician (and now Dr. M) did not agree with that diagnosis.  Her tests came back as low in certain vitamins and high in three other tests (one that is congruent with a parasite and others that show a high count in white blood cells).  Poor baby!  No wonder she's very fatigued and hasn't felt well.  Now she's being treated for all of it and hopefully we'll see an improvement soon.

Me-  can we say ITCH!?!?!  That's what's been happening to me for about 6 weeks now and I really think I'm going to crawl out of my skin!  I can't find anything to relieve it...benadryl, claritin, Rx, baths in apple cider vinegar and even coat my skin in castor oil!

*The first Sunday of  the month those in our Sunday School class who want to come early pray before class starts.  We take our girls and have been for about 5-6 years now.  Neither one has ever prayed out loud in front of the group (mostly adults), but it's something we've encouraged (not pushed) them to do.  After all, lots of adults feel uncomfortable praying out loud (myself included at times).  If God can teach them at a young age that it's about just talking to Him and not pleasing anyone else they'll be a lot better off!  On the way to church yesterday Audrey An says from the back seat of the car, "You know what?  God encouraged me last night that I should pray this morning out loud with our group." Well, indeed she did, AND her big sister went right after her! awesome!

*Last night the girls and I read a devotional together and it was about a little boy who received Christ during Vacation Bible School then went home and told his parents and then they received Christ.  Audrey An didn't even let me finish my sentence and said, "Mommy!  Wouldn't it be SO COOL if we went back to China one day and I could tell MY family about Jesus!"  Awwww...I love her love for the Lord, her passion and compassion and how God is working in her little life!

Prayer requests:
*Please pray for total health restoration for Abigail and myself.  Pray that I can keep my eyes focused on things above and not let discouragement drag me down.  Pray for wisdom for Dr. M, David and myself as we work together to find answers/root cause to this yucky illness (specifically this week that I can find relief from the itching!).

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