Friday, January 13, 2012

Family Medical Updates...

This week was a bit of a backslide for me physically.  I went back to the national hospital on Monday to see Dr. Wise plus the director of internal medicine and back to Dr. Nathalie on Wednesday. I would be lying of I said this week's "hospital" appointment (not Dr. Nathalie) went smoothly.  As you know, "Dr. C' (who first introduced me to the traditional medicine) has moved out of the country.  She graciously arranged someone to go with me in order to translate prior to her departure.  So this was my third time to go with my new friend.  I was a tad frustrated this time.  I felt as though my head was a ping pong ball going back and forth watching and listening to them discuss me and I didn't have a clue what was being said.  Although I don't understand all the ins and outs of how they diagnose physical problems based on feeling my pulse, I have to say Dr. Wise has been accurate each week.  He even said Monday morning, "You are weaker this week." He could tell (although I didn't feel it until Monday NIGHT) a change in my strength.  bizarro. That's all I can say and keeping telling myself, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your OWN understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." 

I ran out of the steroid that's from Bangkok last Saturday and by Monday night I could tell a distinct difference in my physical strength with the other brand of steroid (same dosage but different brand, and different delivery system as well).  At first, I couldn't imagine why I was feeling worse, but then when I realized there was a switch in brands again I knew for sure what was happening.  Thereotically, the two steroids are the "same", but this is the third time I've run out of the Bangkok and had to switch back to the other steroid and start to go downhill. That cannot be coincidence!  So, I began to search for anyone who would be traveling there and could bring me back the medication that I do well on.  David comes home one nite this week and told me that one of our acquaintances we know was on his flight, and guess where he was going this week????  Yes, you guessed correctly. So, I am praying that he can locate my medication and bring it back safely to me next week and I'll begin to see improved physical strength again!

I hadn't had my CPK tested since November 1 (which is was 1400), but this week it came in at 885.   So, I'm still higher than the "normal" range, but it's coming down (and it definitely is better than my 8000 back last spring!).  All my other tests were good.   I've been on the traditional chinese meds for 6 weeks now.   My hands are worse (red/purple), but other than that I would say I'm better.  I can't explain it, but based strictly on anecdotal evidence, I'm stronger and my ear problems have diminished...yay!

I couldn't resist...I had to show what the typical hospital room looks like.
Abigail update: continues to fight off a cold/cough.
Mom update:  fighting a sinus infection and continued pain in hips and hoping/praying for no more surgery
Dad:  hurting from 3 month ear problem/sinus problem
Mark (my brother-n-law): very scary medical emergency this week.  He developed a horrible ear infection out of the blue almost two weeks ago now.  It progressively got worse even after doctor purposefully perforated his eardrum and administered IV antibiotics.  He had to have surgery two nights ago.  He's home now, but we're praying that his hearing loss in that ear will be reversed!

I think my family should open our own wing of a hospital...maybe we'd get a family discount???
I'm REALLY ready to be well, and I'm really ready to know what my family's future holds.  I'm weary and I'm in need of a spiritual boost.  HE is faithful...that doesn't change and I'm so thankful for that. I started a new study this morning in the book of James plus that's what we're studying on Sundays as well.  Umm, I'm thinkin' the Lord has something just for me, ya know.  I'm looking forward to what He reveals to me!

Okay, enough of our medical to enjoy "Elf" with the family.
nite nite...
(or morning morning to my family!)

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