Sunday, February 19, 2012

Li'l island get away....

Okay, so my prayers were answered from last post.  I was able to get out of dodge and see some SUNshine!  Although it wasn't exactly how I typically get to enjoy the sun and surf (tanning, swimming, boating, and splashing, etc.) I was thrilled to be on a get away with my family and have a change of scenery- and a beautiful change at that! Places like this- IS MY HAPPY PLACE!!! I was able to do lots of reading and resting...just what I needed.  It was a difficult day of travel so I was pretty wiped out when I got there and spent most of the day in the bed the next day while my peeps went exploring without me (sniff sniff!).  I have so much on my heart and mind right now, and I'll probably spill those beans in my next post.  For now, I'm choosing to reflect on my thankfulness of  my family and the opportunity to experience another new place in His Creation.  Enjoy the pics!
At the airport (and most public places)...You'd think we'd used to grabbing toilet paper BEFORE you enter, but after 15 months I still forget that minor detail at times (and have you know it's not often those actually have tp on those lovely little rolls as you enter!)

Ahhhhh, something to eat that's on the western side of life while waiting for our connecting flight (no ketchup or french's chili sauce and tater'll do though)!
Familiar sight...oh, and the way back to the airport the van pulled over for everyone to go p ray to big, fat, belly boy...if you know what I mean.  Let's just say, David was the only one didn't get out and got a few stares.  Thankful we know the Truth and the Truth has set us free! Heavy hearts for those who don't.

Let's just get there already because we've been up since o'dark thirty!!!!
Couldn't have this view back home- what a privilege!
Coming in for landing...glad they have good brakes!
My view all week out our front covered patio.
Our view out our back door.
The girls' happy place!
We had the beaches to ourselves...
The girls found a "surf board" to ride the waves.
Did I mention we had the beach to ourselves!?! (and for those who are already wondering-u know who you are (lol!!)-my front button had just come undone.  ALL my skin was covered up all week- promise!  I felt like granny, trust me.)

My hunky monkey!!!

After I gained some strength back we visited a prison on the island- just ruins now.
Okay, so it's been awhile since I posted our family SUV...and to think I complained in the States that my Jeep didn't have a third seat!  It's all perspective.

Sunrise on the isle...breathtaking. Ummmm, DAVID got up for this one!

no words...
If I had been in good health, I would have SO rented out that little boat (I call it a Moses boat)....Wouldn't that be fun to float around in all day!

"REJOICE in the L ord always and again I say rejoice!"

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