Thursday, April 26, 2012

Emergency Landings, Aquariums & Falling Trees

This was BEFORE Mom and Dad's day got reeeeaallly crazy!
 Mom and Dad left our house yesterday morning at 9 to catch their usual two hour flight back home. Well, after ONE thought-to-be engine on fire, ONE emergency landing (thankful it didn't turn into a crash landing!), TWO aircraft swaps, FOUR mechanical issues, basically no food all day, and a worn out/stressed out  (for good reason!) Nana and Papa D- they finally made it back home 12 hours later! We miss you already, but are so thankful you're back home safe and sound.  The girls have been having fun finding your "love notes" all over the house that you left them. It's like another Easter egg hunt!

In the midst of all mom's calls and texts of keeping us in the loop of their oh-so-wonderful-trying-to-get home I'm listening to chainsaws, TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMBER, and a wood chipper all day long.  Nope, didn't get much rest yesterday.  Well, actually, I did.  David was at work. and my sister took the girls to the airport, park, Chick-Fil-A, bookstore, and shopping to give me some down time...ahhh, very nice.  That's a good big sister!

Okay, so the tree pics aren't probably interesting to anyone but our family, BUT it was SO cool to watch 100+foot trees come crashing down!  I have to admit I jumped a few times thinking they had hit our house!  They didn't...they're just so HUGE the thud of them hitting the ground sounded like they were hitting our house!
Ok...that's just a long way up there!
George of the Jungle climbing the tree!
Let there be LIGHT (and less mildew and less squirrels-well... maybe!?!)  Yay for vitamin D in the front and back yard!

Debs took the girls to a very special treat today....the Aquarium.  We've never been since we lived here, and they were SO excited to go.  THANK YOU, Debs!  I'm glad you're getting some "girlie time" with your nieces.  They've missed you terribly.  You know I love my nephews, but I know you must need some more estrogen in your life ...just sayin'.

 Medical update:
*Blood Tests came back on Tuesday.  CPK is down to 1075 (from 1875 on April 4 right before we flew that's good news!)  I thought it would have increased with all the crazy activity going on in the last three weeks, but it did the opposite.  Praise the Lord!  Aldolase (another muscle enzyme that is elevated to 24.2- I'm not even sure this one was tested overseas because I can't find it in my records)....trying to not focus on what I'm reading about this one! "Normal" is 1-8). Tests also show I'm very low in Vitamin D (see!!!!  I told you I NEED sunshine!!!!!  I'm starting a Rx for that and will take for at least 3 months).
*Antibiotics ARE healing up my "holes" in my hands!  It's a bit too soon to see an overall improvement....but that's ok.  Improvement of ANY kind is a warm welcome!
*I'm not having adverse reactions (headaches) from antibiotics!
* Got word that we're finally receiving some health insurance reimbursement that David's been working on for the past 10 months!
*Took both girls for pediatric check ups.  Abigail had some baseline blood testing this morning  to make sure her issues from last summer are all ok.  Audrey An is all clear except for needing to see an opthamologist and both girls have appointments for that in about a week.  We just might have four, four eyes in the family soon.
* All four of us have had dental cavities!
*David had his FAA medical on Monday....all clear! 
*Pulmonologist appointment for me in the morning...

So....things are rockin' and rollin!  Busy, busy, busy...with all that's going on, I'm trying to keep my emotions in check which is really hard to do to be quite honest.  Taking one day at a time while TRYING to accept that I have a disability is quite challenging to say the least, BUT I know "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!"  HE has placed my wonderful family in my path to help lighten my load and deal with my C.R.A.Z.Y emotions!

Off to cap off the evening watching, "Dolphin's Tale!"

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