Thursday, April 19, 2012

Operation Rheumatologist!

This above verse was on my mind when I woke this morning!  OH, OH, OH...feeling SOOOOO blessed and thankful for answered prayer today!  I had my first appointment with my new rheumatologist today and was so pleased with how it went!  We waited two hours before I even saw him, but he was worth the wait. He spent an hour with me then I had bloodwork drawn.   He couldn't have been more personable, knowledgeable, professional, and OPEN to WHATEVER IT TAKES to get me better!!!!  These attributes were all specific answers to prayer.  I took all my records and MRIs from Vietnam and Thailand (as David called my MRI...he saw my "Thai thighs"!) plus my brief summary I had typed up for him-a pretty thick file!  He perused all my information while cracking jokes, inquiring about our time overseas, and, of course, examining me.  He said the "holes" on my knuckles are not typical of DM and felt they were infected.  HE (not even us!)  mentioned the Antibiotic Protocol Therapy...not us! WOOHOO!  He said, "We'll try it, and if it doesn't work, we'll try something else!"  Long story short, we all left hopeful and thrilled he was open to other treatment options (which has been a biggie to me since what I've been on hasn't worked too well!). So, I'm waiting on test results and will return to him on May 9, will start an antibiotic tomorrow and continue to reduce my steroid dosage (hopefully!  that depends on my CPK number though).  He referred me to a pulmonologist due to my  continued shortness of breath/chest tightness and diagnosis of mild reactive airway disease from last year.  I'm already scheduled for next Friday with that doctor.  He indicated this doctor researches a lot on auto-immune diseases, too.  He felt like she would be a great asset to my treatment so I said, "Sign me up!"

Another HUGE praise was that David was able to go with me to the appointment.  As you know, he's just started back to work on Tuesday.  We weren't sure if they'd be very flexible, but they were and I'm SO very grateful!  Mom and Dad are still in town, and they went with us to the appointment.  Mom went into the appointment with us and was my "scribe" while Dad hung out with the girls in the waiting area.  The girls took their school stuff with them and went to "Papa D Home School"...what a guy!  What patient little girls to wait on mommy AGAIN at another doctor's appointment!  Audrey An got a little ansy at the end (but who wouldn't after being there for 3 1/2 hours) dad said, but she attributed it to her having a bad hair!!! She is SO my girlie girl!  After the appointment we went to celebrate answered prayer by eating what else- our favorite mexican food in the city...Uncles Julio's!  Ahhhhh, it tasted so good ;-)

THANK YOU to  all who have called and emailed me yesterday and today as we've been anticipating this appointment for quite awhile now.  It means so very much to hear from those who are praying and supporting not only me but my entire family through this health crisis.  Our transition back to the States has been very busy and crazy, but I have felt the covering of prayers for sure so don't stop!  I had my first little meltdown last night since we've returned to the States.  I think it was just a culmination of anticipation for today's appointment, insomnia, exhaustion, and plain READINESS to be well! But today was a new day...and I'm REJOICING!!!  Thank you, God, for hope.  Thank you, God, for answered prayer!
*Current requests:
*That that antibiotic will not only heal my sores (and reduce pain) on the holes on my knuckles but will have a significant role in my complete healing.
*That I will not have adverse side affects from this antibiotic (in my college years I had horrible headaches from this one).   Many times patients will have a worsening of symptoms before getting better.  I would just love it if I could just skip right over that phase!
*That I can continue to reduce my steroid.  I'm MORE THAN ready to be OFF of my built in "puffy machine"!!!
* Sweet sleep each night.  I just continue to be so tired from lack of sleep.
*Appointment next week will shed even more light on the situation.

Again, thankful for answered prayers!!!!!!

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