Thursday, July 19, 2012

Teeth, camp and....salads?

I have NEVER heard a child ask for a tooth to be pulled yet this isn't the first timeAudrey An has asked daddy-o to pull out her teeth!  Watch...she doesn't even tough cookie!!!!
Cute little snaggle tooth gal! (little does she know she's going to have another pulled by the dentist in a couple of week. Actually, I don't think she'll mind!
Guess who visited last night? 
 Sisters at camp drop-off today...praying for a great weekend, girlies!!!
 Audrey An's FIRST overnight camp...she's SO excited and SO excited to be with her best buddy, Grace!
 Abigail's LAST "kid camp"...sniff sniff!  How can she be growing up so fast?  This is Hannah, one of her best buddies from church!

Medical update:
Grateful.  Thankful. Surreal.  WOW....are just some adjectives I'm feeling since I returned for another follow up doctor appointment. I'm feeling so much better, but I went in because I feel like my stomach is about to explode!  She said the medications are flushing out so many toxins and I am having so much problem with digestive issues, it's settling in my gut.  Sooooo....yep that's why I can't fit into any of my clothes;-(  Glad there's an additional reason added to the side affect of the glorious steroid...HA!  The ironic thing is I'm eating healthier with lots more salads and smoothies for meals, but she said that eating lots of salads is actually more hurtful to me right now because I'm unable to digest it properly, and it just settles in my gut.  SO...can't win for losing....argggggh!   Off to eat more cooked not raw foods.  Have you ever been told to NOT eat!?!?  Oh well, maybe I'll go eat a Snickers for dinner- JUST kidding.  Well, okay....yep, nevermind....

She also said my vitals and adrenals are the best she's seen in me so far so my body is tapering off the steroid just fine. So she think I'll be fine reducing the steroid more rapidly. So we're going for it.  My endocrine system is shot due to the steroid so she's as anxious for me to get off the evil steroid as I am.  I had five more infusions yesterday (two were antibiotics). Dr. M is very pleased with my progress.  I told her I've made more progress in 6 weeks with her than the last year and a half.  I think we're on to something! It's a 1/2 day affair when I go, but it totally doesn't bother me because it's working!!!!  Praise the Lord!

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