Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A House Divided...

Okay, so obviously the Olympics are in full swing this week, and we are glued to the tv!  I've thought it has been interesting that AA keeps asking, "Who do we cheer for?"  This is her first Olympics she's probably ever been exposed to so we've been explaining what it's all about, etc.  On numerous events she says, "I want China to win!"  Okay...that's cool with me. I actually love that she says that!  To me, that's a confirmation that's she knows her heritage.  She knows her roots.  We've been very intentional in trying to keep that alive in her life.  She is chinese, and she lives in America now.  So, it's really not a house all!  It's a house blessed with awesome conversations!!!!

As many of you know today is Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day declared by Mike Huckabee in light of the recent media blitz/controversy over CFA's Dan Cathy's statement of supporting traditional (biblical!) marriage.  Many of you know the Cathy family are sweet friends of ours and their daughter, Rachel, was our "angel" overseas during the height of my illness.  Our girls LOVE Miss Rachel (as do I!).  Audrey An asked me this morning, "Which CFA will Miss Rachel be at today because that's the one I want to go to for lunch?!"  I told her Miss Rachel is in London watching the Olympics, and AA FLIPPED OUT!  She said, "MOMMY, she gets to see the queen, the princess, the gymnastics people????  Did she get to stay at the palace?  Did she have a tea party with the priness?"  Can you just hear Audrey An quizzing me?  The list of questions went on and on!

The controversy sparked discussion in our household with our eldest child, too.  Well, she's now entering the youth group at church, and they had an even last Friday night.  Since we are entrenched in CFA country  here at school, church, and community, David and I felt it approriate and necessary to discuss this with Abs since she'd probably hear about it at the "event".  We wanted her to hear from US first.  Not the kind of discussions we look forward to, but so glad we all can talk openly about it and have the honor of training our children what the Bible says about how we should live, treat people, and how to honor God.
This photo was from earlier in the month when we  (yes, ALL of us!) dressed up like cows to eat CFA for free.
I promised a friend I would add this picture to the blog this here it is, Pam!  Another friend, Leslie gave Audrey An this "twirly" dress on Sunday, and I can't peel it off of her...seriouisly!  You know my little energizer bunny is a girly girl so she's been spinning and twirling since Sunday!  I couldn't even get out of the church parking lot Sunday without her asking me if she could change in the!

Okay, off to eat me some Chick-Fil-A....for several reasons! I support and love the Cathy family, CFA, their love for God, and the unwavering stance in their biblical stance on anyand everything...I'm hungry AND the noise of getting a new roof over our heads today is driving me a little nutty!!! 

GOOOOO, Team USA (and China) nad Team CFA!!!!

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