Monday, June 20, 2011

Birthdays & Anniversary...they all come at once!

Let me back up a few weeks...
Anniversary dinner nite out on the town...we celebrated 12 years on May 29! Thank you, Jason & Jill for letting our girls play at your house so we could have a real love DATE : )
This meal was BY FAR the best "western" meal we've had out here...even a taste of home with a yummo peach tart for dessert!  Thanks for a great evening, David.  I loved every minute of it!
The next day was David's BIG 4-0...the girls made him cards and breakfast!
A little later in the day we surprised David with a surprise party.  It's way more fun too eat whipping cream out of the bottle, right!?!
Abs gets in on the action!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, David/Daddy/Hubby!!!!
Audrey An even got a birthday card in mid-June! When David came back from his checkride he brought an entire stack of Christmas cards that we hadn't received prior to our move.  AA's birthday is in December, too, so she thought it was pretty cool to get a birthday card in the middle June from her Aunt Janice! big 4-0 came a few days later!

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