Friday, June 17, 2011


WOW!!!!!  Little did my husband know this morning when he surprised me with these beautiful flowers that we'd be celebrating a very important number this afternoon!  My CPK has dropped to 88!!!!!!!  Yes, is that not unbelievable!?!?  It was once at almost 8000!  Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!!!!
Last week, I proved that I couldn't talk on my cell and walk down the street at the same time without falling into a pothole.  Well, I fell flat to the street, twisted my ankle, and it ballooned up like nobody's business.  I didn't break it, but Dr. nathalie told me she wouldn't be surprised if my CPK would be up because of this minor set back of swelling.  CPK last week still decreased to 1244 last week.  So, if you've been following the journey you know this CPK number is a biggie (no pun intended!), but it hasn't necessarily correlated with how I feel.  Well, we just returned from a mini vacation to celebrate our birthdays and anniversary and I felt stronger and better than I had in a VERY long time!  So THIS time it does go hand in hand!  Yes, I SHOULD live on the always makes me feel better : )  I have to say I've never been to the beach and not come back with a suntan though!!  I followed doctor's order preetttttttty good I must say.  Shade, suncreen, visor, etc.    WOO HOO!!!!!!  I'm still weak and it's going to take more time to build back my muscle mass, but I'm getting so much better!

On another note, our sweet Abigail hasn't been feeling well  (sluggish, etc.) so I took her in with me today for some blood tests.  She has an iron deficiency, and we are awaiting more results for her.   She's a trooper.  She can't stand getting her blood drawn or shots, but she was strong and courageous today, too.  Pray for accurate results for her (we'll not know those for 4-5 days).  She was excited that her new, cool retainer came in at the dentist today though!  I guess I was kinda excited to wear one at her age, too.  Well, after four years of braces for me , the coolness wore off for me!

I planned to post about our trip today, but I'm too excited about my wonderful answered prayer!!  More pics later : )

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