Monday, June 20, 2011

Just a few reasons I love being a mom!

opening a special invitation left on her pillow...I adore the sparkle in her eye!

I love her answer!

While we were on vacation last week, Abigail and I had a very special "date" together.  We go on lots of dates, and she (we!) love it!  She couldn't be more of a "quality time" girl! She's growing up right before my very eyes...can't believe it!   I can't wait to go through our book together this summer, Little Miss Abigail!  I love you to the moon and back!  I'm thoroughly enjoying this new season of parenting.  Parenting is a matter what stage.

  David and I have chosen to do "blessing ceremonies" at significant milestones in the lives of our girls.  It's a time to acknowledge, encourage, pray and bless that season of their life.  The first "ceremony" for each girl was the day we publically dedicated our girls in front to the One Who Created them and promised to do our very best to raise them in "the ways they should go."  The second was the weekend they both were baptized (yes, they both have, too...PTL!)...acknowledging the public obedience of their faith.  The third was when they graduated kindergarten.  So, wow we've already had three blessing ceremonies for each.  I guess you could call my date with Abigail a "mini" blessing ceremony...just a time when mommy/daughter (although daddy will be very much involved, too!) are entering a new phase of parenting and "tween"times. Other times we'll to blessing ceremonies are most likely at their Sweet 16, high school graduation and weddings...and whenever else we deem appropriate! We also celebrate their spiritual birthday each year, too (and Audrey An's adoption day....we like to celebrate around our house!!).
  Well, we had a little pomp and circumstance on the beach last week!  Audrey An graduated kindergarten and Abigail graduated 4th grade.  I surprised them them matching monogrammed shirts for a little graduation gift....they were so thrilled! Great job on the shirts, Shanna!

Marriage and parenting is very difficult life work, and anyone who thinks differently is C.R.A.Z.Y (and I mean that in a verse nice way!!)!!  Our natural fleshly self is to be selfish, impatient, and a host of other negative adjectives.  But...there's tremendous JOY in the journey when you look for opportunities to invest. instill, love, cherish and bless your family in ways only God could allow you to do.  It's not too difficult to see that most everything in our culture goes against what Truths you are striving to teach/train our children.  It's work.  It's hard work, but it's worth every second to ground them as best as you can to stand up for what is right.  My goal as a parent is to instill in them Deut. 6:5, have their speech/actions displayed out of heart change (not robotic discipline), and spread their wings how HE would want them to fly!
Here are a few of the books Abigail and I have just completed or in the process of completing.  (I'll let you you guess what tween is in to Nancy Drew!).  Now, David just got a Kindle for his birthday (Thanks, Poppy!) so his aren't in this "stack".  Audrey An is coming along with her reading, and one of our summer goals for her is to really catch her up on her skills.  If you have good recommendations, leave me a comment (or email me if you know me personally).  I'm always looking for a good read and am always updating a resource list that I started a few years ago!


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