Saturday, September 10, 2011

Double Digit Girl...part 2

Since I have super crafty girl we decided to take her to the pottery village on her special day.  We went with some special friends and they all happen to be in art class together, too!  We decided to be adventurous and make a roundtrip on the local bus.  I'm glad we did!  As my mom always said to me growing up when we are on vacation, "We've got to experience the local flavor!"  Well,  we added one more flavor to the very colorful ice cream cone we've been enjoying this year!!!
We started off the day before getting new glasses...of course, we got them on "Glasses Street".
I had had visions for months what a bus ride would be like, and this....actually was not it!  It wasn't too crowded.  It didn't have AC, but it was actually bearable with the windows down.
The money safe riding on this oh-so-sturdy plastic stool!
We're almost there!
We're ready to get messy.  Give me some clay, please!
lots of blue and white
sweet friends!
more craftiness...
They all made bracelets, too!
On our way, we didn't ride this mode of transportation.
We took this, and school had just let out...yippee! 

THIS was more of what I had envisioned...shoulder to shoulder people and them all staring at these blonde headed peeps.  We especially got some glares and giggles when we broke out singing "Happy Birthday!"  : )

 the countryside...headed "home"

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