Saturday, August 18, 2012


We've just finished our second week of school, and...well, I'm exhausted already.  Praise God I have 3 other families to carpool with plus David drives on his days off (yes, a bit of a logistical nightmare at times!). I don't know how I'd physically be making it without the help!  Both girls get out at different times plus Abigail has volleyball practice everyday after school except for Wednesday.  Wednesday is the only day they're picked up at the same time.  I know we've entered a new season of life with school (just GOING to a school, and now school with a sport!), and I'm quite sure all of my other friends are as exhausted, too.  I'm just hoping all of them are healthy and exhausted!  Needless to say, these past two weeks have been a HUGE adjustment to our entire family.  I mean, c'mon...last year my girls had school in their PJs in my bed with a sick momma most days.  Now, we actually have to set an alarm, get dressed, and...pack lunches!
Abs had her very first volleyball game on Friday! She had fun and felt like she did her best...that's all that counts in my book! Abs, I'm so proud of you for trying something new, and I'm glad you're making new friends and having fun!
Her first dig of the game!  Our middle school team played a JV team...let's just say we came in second.

Just warning ya....this post will probably be all over the place because that's how I feel  my life is right now, but as you know... blogging is therapy for me so I just might type a book today, and I better get out my "rant" before my hunky monkey gets home from a four day trip (not exactly the best kind of welcome home present, ya know!).   I'll start with some praises!  My lab results from two weeks ago indicate I'm still on track!  My CPK remains at 269...yay!  I've actually wondered if the lab really did the test again because it's more than bizarre that it is the EXACT number from last time.  I'm still testing positive for mycoplasma, but it has decreased.  So I had more IVs on Tuesday plus she added an oral antibiotic again. Yes, I continue to house my own little pharmacy, but's working.  Thank you, God, for not giving up on me.  Thank you for putting a great doctor in my path.  Thank you for your grace, protection and patience!

I guess part of my struggle is with "re-entry" from living overseas.  Things are just different- different in good ways, different in not so good ways.   David and I were warned and we tried to prepare for it.  In so many ways the transition has been flawless and wonderful, but now that summer is over and school has begun it's a tad more difficult.  Even with my health...I'm doing so much better, but I think I've plateaued again (in my eyes...not the doctors).  In some ways I feel like it's not even worth talking about because if you've not lived overseas you just wouldn't understand.  Not to be rude- but you just wouldn't.  To come back to America after living in a third world country...hmmmm, well, you'd think I'd have a great appreciation of a lot things (and I do!).  I guess to come back to America and see the absolute depravity of a so-called "christian" nation is simply unbelievable and quite depressing.  I'm not surprised though because end times are nearing and that's what His Truth states will happen.  How it must break God's heart!  Revive us, O Lord!  May we be different.  May our Light shine!

Okay, let's see...back to school.  Now, those who know me well, KNOW my heart on this.  I am SO extremely grateful the girls are IN a good school.  We prayed earnestly for that, and I know they're exactly where they are suppose to be this year.  I'm just on overload with carpooling, homework-ing, uniform buying, lunch packing, KJV memorizing, last minute notification-ing, and throw in doctor appointment-ing overload- information overload.  Sunny day carpool line, rainy day carpool line, 8:00 drop off, 8:10 drop off, 2:30 pick up, 3:05 pick up, back of school, front of school, turn left (NO!), turn right, 5:30 volleyball pick up...except Wednesday.  Pick up at "normal" time so we can stay at church until 8:30 at night ;-) 

Okay, then... there's church.  So grateful for our church.  So grateful for the freedom we have to go to any church we want and choose from several classes, courses, choirs, etc.  So thankful for the sermons and music that has been so worshipful and meaningful. can I say all that but church be on my list of frustrations???  I've been praying that God would show me and show David our place.  Where is our new place of ministry?  What does He want us to do be doing? Well, let me add in some more frustration...David's schedule is NOT like it used to be.  It's certainly not a great schedule like when we were overseas.  He's not had many Sundays off since we've returned so that makes it even more difficult for us to sense where we're suppose to be.  The girls are happy as clams at school and church, but honestly...we've got to pick and choose from the smorgasboard of activity or our lives will be completely chaotic!  There's lots of great things in which to be involved- important things, godly things, wonderful things!  Unfortunately, lots of those "great things" make family time a hard thing.  Wednesdays and Sundays are our longest days of the week.  That's where David and I have always struggled and quite frankly butted heads on for years.  So, we're obviously working through where the balance is.  Forget that Audrey An is begging to take gymnastics and play soccer...can't even begin to think about that.  We told her "no" and it will be a "no" until I'm feeling on top of my game and we've discovered the wonderful answer to "how to train your child in the way {she} should go" without losing our mind!

Okay, then...parenting things.  I will not name names, but certain people in my household have difficulty listening.  (Oh my....surely I'm not just dedicating this paragraph just to my children!?!?).  Again, if you know me well, you know one of my pet peeves is REPEATING myself!  Absolutely, drives. me. nutso!!!   So, I've tried implementing several handy dandy things to help aid in this deficit, but I must say I shall still be on the hunt for better tools!  Yes, I'm fully aware that this is normal behavior for most children, but part of my job is to train these preciousnesses (is that a word!?!) how to be responsible, how to listen, how to take pride in their room/work/chores, etc.  It's not just to make me happy, keep their room clean or check off their chore chart.  It directly correlates with their walk with God.  As soon as they can realize that and act on that....oh, will it be a happy day (and I mean for them-truly! Well, there will be a happy momma, too!).

So...all I know to do is pray.  I can do that.  I will continue to do that.  I'm not even very "good" at it (because my thoughts are all over the place!), but at least I know God wants to hear from me.  It's the only thing I've committed to doing...prayer group.  He wants to hear my "rants" and He wants to hear my praises.  That's why I started out this blog with praise.  The girls and I started out our day with praise, too.  We each praised each other.  I asked them how that felt, and of they both said, "Awesome!".  Well, of course, it does.  That's why we praise God.  We're acknowledging to Him for the wonderful attributes He has and what He has done for us.  I told the girls that's part of my prayer life that I really need to work on.  Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in all of our requests that we forget to praise...guilty as charged. 

Like my sister posted on her facebook last week: "Parenting is exhausting.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." and I commented, "and so is marriag-ing".  I guess I should have added "life".

This I know:  John 10:10 states, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I [Jesus] came that they may have life and have it abundantly."  Forgive me when I've allowed circumstances in the past few weeks to come in and do some stealin'.  Lord, may I not leave the door cracked one itty bitty bit for the thief to come in!!!! 

okay. rant over...

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