Tuesday, August 7, 2012

First Day of School!

Abigail started SIXTH grade and Audrey An started SECOND grade yesterday...where did my summer go!?!?!?  They both had a great first days of school, yesterday.  AA said, "Mommy, school is so much fun!  This is the best school ever!"  WOW...how thankful David and I are for a new beginning with school this year.  I know it's going to have such a positive impact on them- new friends, new activities, new teachers (yay...taking the pressure off of ME!), new life lesson, new lots of things!  It makes my heart happy to know they are in a place where they start off their day with a headmaster hwho prays for the school at the beginning of each day and with teachers who I know love the Lord.  Now...if I can get used to being in the car for drop off and pick up (at multiple times!) for ummmm, quite a bit longer than I'm used to, we'll be a-okay!

I have to tell a funny story on Audrey An! During the summer we are obviously a little more flex on their bedtime, and I've been even more flex as we've been staying up watching the Olympics.  Over the weekend I warned the girls that we'd have to start going to bed at a "normal" time (and even a bit earlier this week) since school is starting.  Audrey An's bedtime is usually 8:30.  When I told her she'd be going to bed at 8:00 she was THRILLED!!!  I just smiled and said, with the same excitement, "Yes, 8:00...isn't that great!?!"  Abigail and I just stared at each other in bewilderment but later shared a good hard laugh together in private when we said to each other, "OH, Audrey An thinks that 8 is later than her "normal" time." Ahhhhh, the innocence of not having a clue about telling time...lol!!!  Guess that's on the list of concepts to learn this year.  Well, maybe....it could work to my advantage if she stayed in the dark a bit longer ;-)

Medical update: I'm down to 10 mg of the steroid and doing quite well at this dosage.  Dr. M is still very pleased with how my body is responding to the steroid reduction and all (yes, there are many!) other treatments.  I went from 20mg down to 10mg in two weeks- which is verrrrrrrry fast for me, but wants me to hang out at 10mg for a couple more weeks and increased my thyroid medicine though.  Have I even mentioned that I have a thyroid issue on here???  That's another story...there's so much going on I can't keep up anymore!

My sleep is improving, and I know that has direct correlation with the steroid reduction along with many faithful prayer warriors who've been praying specifically for this aspect of healing.  Oh goodness, can we say THANKFUL for better sleep!  The doctor took blood for all new labs last Friday, and I'll find out those results next visit.  We're both looking forward to seeing where I am with all my numbers so she can re-evaluate where I am on everything.

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