Oh, I'm soooo ready to feel back on top of my game, folks! 10 days of this is 10 more days than I would have preferred. I've just about switched my days and nights again (and not on purpose!) due to getting in a coughing fit each time I go to bed.
If you know me you know that January and February are THE hardest months of the year for me. I'm a sunshine girl, and when I'm in dreary, cold and haze it is difficult for me to function- truly. So when I'm sick (and throw in new surroundings without the ability to drive to a pharmacy and purchase meds that you know what they are) plus no sunshine, I'm a tad over the top. I know David is 'bout sick of me begging to take me to sunshine. He has tried though...I have to give him credit for that. So....enough of my "blahs".
At the same time of my week long blahs I've been anxiously anticipating my church family back home getting to meet our prospective Minister of Music who spent the week there. I've been secretly jealous of what they were going to see, hear and experience and knowing that I wouldn't be there in person to rejoice with them. Our #1 priority on the list for finding a "music man" was that he have a HEART for God and a passion for leading others to the Throne. He not only has that, but he and his wife have a passion for reaching their community. We were directed to that man. THAT was amazing experience. Scott and Melody, if David and I were still living there, we'd sooooo be having you over for homemade salsa....WELCOME!!!!
It's simply thrilling for me to know that many years of praying for people's hearts back home is coming to fruition. Please don't misinterpret...this new man is not the answer. He is
part of the answer. His family is part of the answer. A high school gal who has been very ill with a chronic condition who was bathed in prayer two weeks ago is part of the answer. My family moving away so that leadership in our own SS class is forced to step up is part of the answer. Years of praying individually and as a class is part of the answer. All these pieces of the puzzle put together = perfect timing. People seeking him, loving Him and obeying Him is the answer. God is the answer. If you are reading this and a part of that family, I strongly encourage you to not miss out. YOU are part of this answer. How cool that YOU can be a part of HIS working and leading. What a blessing! You are part of a unique community. It's so funny to think about how David and I have been placed 1/2 way across the world with so many different nationalities and it is embraced by us and by all in which we come into contact yet at home there's a strong resistance by some to accept that, unfortunately. That's one things we loved about our class back home- DIVERSITY. That's a glimmer of what heaven will be like- red, yellow, black and white. We're not all alike and that a good thing...that's a really good thing.
There's way more than singing and directing to be a worship pastor and there's way more to worship than music. It starts with your own heart. I've observed throughout many years that people's "likes" seem to surpass what may be the right answer. Usually, if things continue like they've always been, there's no growth, there's stagnant complacency. Consider that loud vs. soft, peppy vs. mellow, plugged vs. unplugged are all pretty self focused. God is way bigger than that! All of those types minister to somebody. All those types don't minister to me every single time, but nonetheless they meet a need somewhere, somehow. The more I see and experience other people's worship, the more I realize that it's not about our preferences. HE's created all types of worshipers so why would we not expect all types of worship? My prayer for those back home is to continue with your excitement, accept some change, be open to God's leading, don't get caught up in "what has always been", accept a new person into your congregation and seek to understand different cultures in your own community, and rejoice that you get to be apart of it!
Okay, so off of my soap box. I'm rejoicing with those who rejoice today!!! I woke up today not feeling well, but when I read messages from friends back home about Sunday I just smiled. I'm talking ready to jump out of my skin excited! I still need sunshine, but my heart is happier now : )