Sunday, January 2, 2011

Language Lessons

Okay, so my girls are just waaaaay too perky in the mornings.  They're dressed (matching, of course- by their choice) and asking me to start school.  Really???  I'm still not on the clock, right?!?!  I'm still trying to pry my eyes open.  Well, I've decided that I better get myself in high gear, take that "happy morning pill" and get some lesson plans down on paper (well, on paper would be nice-  but I can't seem to find where to purchase that here either).  They've been doing school off and on for 3 weeks.  I don't know what my deal is with teaching school, but it's a real struggle and always has been.  You'd think I'd love it since I'm a total organizational freakazoid.  I think I had such a difficult experience when I taught in the public school system that I just got a bad taste in my mouth.  I do look back on my experiences and think that maybe I'm not TOO crazy about feeling the burn out though.  After all, I was placed in the emergency room five times, dealt with really high maintenance parents, tried to make an entire staff happy with "those" students, and didn't have enough personnel to handle all the challenges my particular position required.  Funny how He has called me to teach on more than one occasion.  Hmmmm...

Well, it looks like I'm not going to have two students but three!  Remember the young gal from another post?  She came this morning with her mom.  The girls and I had just begun the school day when they arrived.  We began to talk and one conversation led to another, and she asked me if I could teach her english.  I said, "Sure!"  I asked her if she'd teach us her language, too.  So.... here are our first lessons.
She taught Abigail some new words.
Abigail and I taught her some new words and the alphabet.  We ended up going through some of Audrey An's school stuff together and Mai would ask how to spell certain words of the pictures we were showing her.  We giggled with her and said AA is learning to read so you can just tag along!

Okay, don't get me wrong.  I treasure training and teaching my daughters in the way they should go.  Motherhood is my pleasure and the highest calling!  I'm so thankful that my husband and I recognize that gift and role.    I need to not compartmentalize THIS kind of training and "school" training.  I know that sounds probably weird, but for me being full time "teacher" has been different that being full time "mommy".  I'm working on it! I think I must have A.D.D. because I just get really distracted at "school".

As you might have of my many "requests" is to find JOY, PATIENCE and embrace the fact that I am getting to educate and have total control of my children's learning experiences.  We should anyway.   I must say, they've had quite an education these past 3 weeks- things that books and typical schools could never provide!  That is one of the many things I DO LOVE about home school.  So, maybe I'm already beginning to embrace it???  Oh, I'm in for a wild ride this more ways than one!  I can't wait to look back in a year and see where we've all come.

Off to do lesson plans for these sweet li'l girls on my phone (no paper needed!)...for now!

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