Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Saturday to Remember

This past Saturday our new friend, Mai, took us to the Temple of Literature.  She took Abigail and one of her cousins on her motorbike.  Her mom with two more cousins followed on her motorbike, and David was the chauffeur caboose with AA and myself.  It was a first for us to venture downtown on the motorbike, and it definitely was a first trying to follow not only 1 but 2 other motorbikes!  I have to say it was a BLAST!  I rode on the back of David's bike and filmed quite a bit of video.  I even saw the first stop light here!!!  I don't think anyone actually observed it though : )When I figure out how to upload the video, I will.  Well, I'm typing this so we made it there and back alive!  The Temple of Literature is the oldest university in the country dating back to 1076.

 Not a great picture but there are 86 of these stone pillars with chinese writing on them.  They are on top of stone turtles.  You're suppose to rub the turtle's head for good luck.  I'll give you two guesses who wanted to sit on them and was reprimanded! (Hint:  the only male in the group)...and if you actually need the hint you don't know my family very well!

Entire travel group in front of Temple of Literature minus one cousin

Guess who hit the drum????

They love the asian fingers!
You're all bull, baby, but I love you!
And...guess who rang the bell?!?!  I bet that felt good in their ears : )

We listened to a mini concert with some interesting instruments.

This dude was just super cool!!!!  He wrote calligraphy and is placing his signature (the red "chop") on the final product.

My generous husband purchased a scroll for our new friend.  She did NOT want to accept, but we insisted and told her friends do nice things for friends.  She was just over the top estatic!

Of course, everyone is so intrigued with AA.  When he found out she was born in China he began to take even more of an interest in us.  He spoke to her in chinese, but she, of course, wouldn't talk to him.
 Hey there, buddy, that's my bike!!!  For some reason you look way more masculine on the motorbike...vroom vroom!

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