Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let's get a little messy!

Daddy, please don't be toooooo mad us for using all your shaving cream.  We were practicing our spelling words!  We LOVE you : )

Before you think I'm super cool teacher mom, let's just say I wish I had the gift of letting shaving cream spelling words happen a bit more often than it does.  There were some tears shed today (and it hasn't been the first!).  I had to do SOMETHING different today, because I feel that AA and I are on a sinking ship at times.   I simply just don't have the resources I need nor can I find any to purchase!  Yes, I brought materials for both the girls, but I just don't have what I need for a very active little 6 year old who is struggling with the basics.  I just simply forget how far she's come in the 1.5 years so the frustration (for me) sets in.  We had to just "shut 'er down" for a bit today or she was just going to have a major meltdown and so was I!  So...out came the shaving cream and all was good with the world.  Later tonight she actually sounded out and read some words for us on her own initiative.  SO....there was some success!!!!!   So, Mrs. Stephanie and Mrs. Jennifer, you are greatly missed (by her and by me!!).  It broke my heart to hear today, "This hard.  I didn't do this in China and I didn't do this at SMPK" ....uggh.  How sad is that!?!?  I completely agree, little one!  All this school stuff is brand new to you and our "poorly decorated-not-so-kid/school-friendly-lack of school resources apartment" doesn't even compare to her fun- filled, colorful, wonderful resources of her first semester of kindergarten.

Is it just me or does AA look like she belongs on Broadway "Cats".  hee hee : )

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