Monday, January 17, 2011

Red doors, RED nose

I mean many boxes of tissues can one human go through in one weekend????? I think I've broken the record and my raw nose is proof. I'd give anything right now to have soft, “lotiony” kleenex right now. I messaged a friend that I'd be in good shape if google translate could scan the tissue boxes for me I'm sure I could find that item. Well, on second thought, I doubt they have soft “lotiony” tissues here.'s now 6:30 AM (yes, AM, and I'm blogging. What is wrong with this picture????) I've effectively been up ½ the night. I can't sleep. I can't watch tv ('cause awesome hubby has been booted to the sofa). I did a little reading- which was actually quite good at 3:30 this morning! I've surfed. I've emailed. I can't lay (or is it lie- always get those confused) down because the dry hacking cough won't allow it. I've counted my blessings- even named them one by one. I know I'm “home”, but if I were “home home” I'd probably start cleaning or something, but there's not too much to clean here since the cleaning ladies (LOL!!) came today and we don't have a lot of worldly possessions TO clean here anyway.

Hubby goes into work later today so I'll have to send him for our daily bread run before he goes and flies the friendly skies so sick momma won't have to hop on her bicycle (yes, I have wheels now!) and go forge for food with a snotty nose. Oh, how I love him!!!'s to a great day ahead. School should just be delightful today : )

I can do ALL things...
Off to sleep- maybe. Nite nite. Or is it morning morning??

Here are a few pics from one of the many pagodas we've seen and photographed.  I think I see a theme here...2 red threads, red doors, and a red nose!  Here's to completing the theme of red (I know everyone wants to see pictures anyway instead of hearing my random thoughts!)...

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