Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Little Experiment...

Okay, so it was our first try!  I think we learned from our mistake, hopefully.  Abigail is always searching for some type of craft to do.  She found these cool "yarn balls" to make from a magazine article so we decided to give it a try.  I'm SO not crafty momma...I guess I that's why I've HIRED an art teacher and someone to "get messy" with my girl.  Oh, I really need to be crafty momma because that's what my girl loves to do...just one more thing to add to my "need to improve list"!

The reason she wanted to make the "yarn balls" is because she wants to hang them in HER NEW ROOM!  Yes, we're moving...again!  We are so excited (especially Abigail because she'll have her own "space" now!).  We have really enjoyed our lovely apartment, but since mobility is a huge issue with my illness we decided our quality of life will be MUCH better if we moved closer to David's "office", markets, coffee shops, etc.  We'll be just minutes from all these places. It will be so much more convenient for us, and the girls and I can pack up school when we want/if we want and take it to some of our favorite places and not feel so trapped.  Oh, we all can already feel a relief and new freedom that will come in 30 days...what a blessing!!!

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