Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Breakfast & Bikes

This morning my man took me out on a breakfast date...doesn't that look good!?!?  Ever had salad for breakfast?  I can't say that I ever had until this morning.  We've had so many firsts out here.  On that note...we had a few "firsts" on the way to our date.  We had a flat.  Yes, remember it's no ordinary flat.  It's a motorbike flat tire.  So...what does one do?  You putter over to one of the MANY little shops along the streets (let's just say..."eeny meeney miney mo")- they fix, you wait, you's all goooood!  I rode side saddle for the first time, too!  I thought, "If I see all these prego women riding sideways, surely I could, too!"  I just never tried 'cause it looks like it would be more difficult- not really though.  Now granted I had more room on the bike since the girls weren't with us, but it wasn't too bad.  Last but not least...I rode my bicycle for the FIRST TIME since my illness.  I've been curious IF I could even ride 15 feet so I got on (with David close by in case I crashed!!) and rode 1/4 mile just for grins.  We were doing the happy dance after I got off!  I couldn't believe it.  No, I'm not going to enter the Tour de France or anything, but it gave me some hope that I REALLY needed right now.
Okay, this picture of David has nothing to do with our breakfast date (this time!) today, but it just reminds me of one of the many reasons I love him...
he makes me smile and laugh...a lot : )


Laura said...

I think you should totally enter the Tour de France!! :) I see you got the email subscriber on your blog, sorry I wasn't much help with that. I'm just kind of figuring this out as I go. Hope all is well!

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Way to go Bike Rider!!

I'm so glad you are feeling better! :) *hugs*