Friday, July 22, 2011

CPK update & some waiting...

Okay, so a quick follow up from appointment yesterday.  Well, my numbers are back up a little.  My CPK is 430 (unlike 88 about a month ago) and my liver enzymes are slightly elevated, too.   I honestly thought it might be even higher (remember though, I have a hard time correlating how I'm feeling with what my numbers end up showing). sweet Dr. Nathalie is consulting with "Dr. Paris", and David and I are praying wisdom and a very clear answer as they consult as to what the next step in my treatment is (aka do I start the methotrexate or not) to get me on top of this.

Abigail hasn't had a very good day today.  She's been very slugglish and pretty solemn today. We're staying close to home this weekend and hoping that we both can get some good rest.

Until later...
(hopefully I'll hear something in the next couple of days)

1 comment:

Tiffany in Topeka said...

Praying for you both!! Sending Love from Kansas! :) *hugs*