Saturday, July 23, 2011

Praises and a little bling

WHO is this little TWEEN!?!?! (she doesn't have pierced ears....those are bangle bracelets taped onto her ears...LOL!!)
Thing 1 and Thing 2 on the way to our 2nd home on Thursday...Dr. Nathalie's office : )  They are SUCH troopers!
Well, guess who couldn't go for very long without putting on the bling like big sister!?!  Here's the next American Idol.  You go, girl!
Our devo time was about the tongue- how it can tear down and how it can build up one another.  Most importantly, how the tongue can give praise to Him.  So, we put it into practice.  The girls and I had a great "popcorn praise" time together this morning.  We have so much to be thankful for- so much in which to give thanks.  Then, of course, guess what happens??  Momma bear begins to cry.  I know, I know.... shocker, shocker!!  Mrs. Emotional-as-of-late gets a little choked up.  I kinda always do though during times like that.  I do with David.  I do with my girls.  I do with others when I'm "yarping" about things close to my heart.  It's just a fact of life for me.

So....on the top of my list today:
*for being chosen for whatever reason to go through this illness (Abigail and myself)
*for having the opportunity to live here and be given the opportunities/experiences we've been given
*for David's love/training/skill in his career path been given to him
*for doctors that communicate well and willing to use their skill and expertise for my family
*for anticipating answers to questions...I know we'll have clear answers to specific requests
*for TIME given to our family....David's schedule is so much better out here
*for the ability to praise...any time, any place- no matter where I am
*for my girls who are learning, experiencing, maturing in ways they wouldn't be back at "home"
*for the sound of rain pitter pattering on our not-so-clean-and-never-will-be windows that overlook the lake
*for the One who has provided all of this!

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and NOT grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."  Is. 40:31

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