Thursday, July 28, 2011

Update on Abigail...

Since we “hunkered” down over the weekend and didn't go anywhere, got lots of rest, and we saw no improvement with Abigail's energy level we made another trip back to the doctor yesterday. Uggggh, the clinic is a really nice facility, and we really like our doctor, BUT I wonder if they are as tired of seeing us as we are of seeing them!?!?! They should just name the first floor our wing! She had a chest xray (which was all clear!) and an abdominal songoram (which showed some enlarged lymph nodes and a name of “mesenteric adenitis” which I've never heard of...), and was told is fairly common in children and not anything too serious. Our doctor felt that her fatigue was still due to the Epstein-Barr virus. So, more waiting to get better for our little family. That IS our middle name! PTL that it's nothing more serious and she's not in pain! Dr. Nathalie is a great doctor. She even pulled Abby aside to talk to her privately and reassure her that mommy is going to be okay and she is going to be okay! So thankful for her : )

Abigail did have a much better today which was GREAT seeing a smile on her face and little spring in her step. A sweet new friend, Penni, has taken the girls the past two afternoons to help give me some rest. The girls have thoroughly enjoyed their time with her sweet kids. They went to a cooking class this afternoon, so David and I received the benefit of homemade scones-yummo! She could not wait to make another batch for us when she got home!
You're beautiful inside and out.  It was so great to see you smiling today : )
We ARE going to get well, sweet and me both!!!

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