Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Angel with Skin

Have you ever been in the presence of angels...sure you have!  I believe I was in the midst of one on Sunday- truly.  This sweet gal who I've met before but do not know well stopped me after our service on Sunday morning and looked me square in the eyes, grabbed both arms and said, "Do NOT lose hope!"  I just teared up and told her thank you and I so needed to hear that- at just that time, too.  I have always told David I so desire to be the kind of woman who when feels prompted to pray for someone, do it, tell that person they are truly being prayed for, and follow up!  It means SO much when you are on the receiving end.  SO blessed. SO humbled.  SO thankful.  She proceeded to share with me how she had been praying for me and my healing (again, so humbled....don't even know her well at all!).  She said she had been reading in Job last week and my name kept coming to her mind.  She told me no less than 5-6 times in the most sincere tone and facial expression, "Do not lose HOPE!"  WOW....I just think the good Lord sent His angel to me that morning...she happened to have on some skin, a smile, and a HUGE word of encouragement to me!

I can honestly say I've never heard the audible voice of God speak to me, but last week it was probably the closest I've ever come.  Guess what was impressed upon my heart?  HOPE.  Christa, don't give up.  Hang on.  You have hope.  THEN, later that day I get an email from my mom and my sister.  Guess what they said?  "HANG on!  Everyone's got to hang on!!!!" (Yes, my entire family has had difficult trials this year so we all needed to be reminded of that.)  I told my sister that I had tied knots at both ends of my rope and I was just sliding back and forth from end to end...lol!  I guess it's a kind of twisted Disney ride!?!

Here are some of my favorite scriptures my mom (thanks, mom!) has sent me over the past few weeks that give me HOPE:
*For the Lord  gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding."  Proverbs 2:6
*“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.  For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."  Isaiah 43.1-3
*" The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him." Nahum 1:7
 *The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in Truth.  He hears their cry and saves them."  Psalm 145:18-19 

Update on last week's requests:
*Cuticles and hands are slightly better after iv steroid (muscle weakness and difficulty swallowing is the same, shortness of breath is worse).
*Another doctor has surfaced who we think is another very good possibility and have appointment set upon our return (HOURS of research from my family and myself!)
*Beginning to see tiny answers about a possible departure date and David's work schedule back in the States- still lots of logistics to work out with health benefits, flight home, passport/visa stuff, and his recurrent training
*One good night's sleep this week...better than non, right?

 I cannot begin to tell you (again) how I've cried out to the Lord in times of trouble this year....can we say puffy eyes, face plant in the pillow, uncontrollable weeping (major mascara issues!)?  I do have hope, and my hope is in HIM!  "He will never leave me or forsake me."  That doesn't mean it's easy (obviously you can tell that by my posts), but HE IS THERE and HE IS NOT GIVING UP ON ME...and I thank HIM for my angel with skin this week!

 Keep praying for the requests from last post...I'm not giving up HOPE!
"Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you."  I Peter 5:7

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Hebrews 13:2