Thursday, March 8, 2012

Fourth Time a Charm????

Today, I had a follow up with Dr. Nathalie to recheck my blood levels.  Thankfully, my CPK has come down to 2430 from 8320 last Wednesday.  Yes, that's a significant decrease in which David and I are so thankful, BUT physically I feel worse than last week.  Shockingly, I left the clinic having ANOTHER day one of three IV steroid and another bagful of medications.  Just call me a walking pharmacy.  This time I was given the maximum dose the clinic has.  I'm being told to return to words.  no words to even say...  I'm really trying to keep my chin up, but when I can't even dress myself due to weakness it's a tad difficult. It's hard to keep a game face on for the girl's sake.

 After many months of prayers and tears, David and I have decided that our time here is coming to an end.  After last week's blood results and that 3day IV steroid treatment, it was confirmation then that it's time to leave our assignment in this country and seek different medical care.  When you've sought care in two different countries, two different "ways" ("typical" and "traditional eastern"), and now have a doctor saying that we've done all we can offer you in this country, it's time to say, "Well, we've tried and we've tried our absolute best, but I think this is it."  I can't even begin to express our bittersweet emotions we are having.   It's like dying a slow death in a way.  I wanted to share the following requests last post, but we were waiting to share our news with David's management, the girls' tutors, our helper and other friends here.  Bangkok is just not an option for us anymore.  I cannot physically fly there, get treatment, fly back here, pack up to move home, and and then make a 24+hour flight home...not going to happen.  You all would be visiting me in the funny farm (which I should probably already should be there!)!

Requests(yes, there are quite a few so put on your knee pads!):
1.  That the IV steroid treatments will hold me and His Grace will be sufficient for me and our family as we begin to wrap things up here.  HE ALREADY KNOWS!

2.  God's provision for our travel home- specifically, a first class ticket for me so I can even make the 24+ hour trip.   HE ALREADY KNOWS!

3.  God would lead me to just the right doctor back in the States to take over my treatment- someone who specifically treats dermatomyositis.  HE ALREADY KNOWS!

4.  God would lift David's burden in leading our family right now and ease his mind/heart about returning to work back home.  Another LOOOOONG story...yes, he has a job when he returns (YAY!).   He truly has so much on his plate right  God KNOWS THE BEST PLAN FOR OUR FAMILY AND HIS CAREER.  I keep asking  God to AMAZE US with His plan!!! (not only in regard to my health but with David's career!)  Again, HE ALREADY KNOWS!!

5.  The girls would see God's power and peace through this difficult family trial.  May their faith be increased and they would see God's tangible answer to their earnest prayers for their mommy's healing.  HE ALREADY KNOWS!

6. Girl's schooling for next school year.  I can't EVEN think about it right now, but I know I'm not home schooling anymore....simply just cannot do it being this sick.   Schools are starting to take applications/registration fees for next year and we don't even know where will be next school year again.  HE ALREADY KNOWS!

7.  That we'd finish our time out here STRONG.  We want to leave this assignment with our heads held high.  I know that may sound odd to you, but it's a big deal to us.  It's been a trying year and we've definitely had our "moments" of not-so-pretty times, but we're learning.  We want HIM to be pleased with how we've handled things.  HE ALREADY KNOWS!

8.  All the details of re-entry to life back "home"...oh, I can't even begin to name them all!  HE ALREADY KNOWS!

9.  Health and flight benefits will go into effect asap when we return so we can get going (literally!) on my treatment!  HE ALREADY KNOWS!

10.  Whatever else you can think of because my brain is in such a fog I can't think straight! HE KNOWS THAT, TOO!!!

11.  Well, I need to put this on here, too- SLEEP!  With increased steroid dosage plus a steroid inhaler for chest tightness I am having trouble sleeping at night!  HE ALREADY KNOWS! 

1.  God has made clear our decision.
2.  Friends and family back home are already helping with our re-entry "to do" lists.
3.  We've had some hiccups with our house back home, but HE is keeping us calm and reminding us the HE is in control.
4. The girls tutors and helper took the news well even though tears were shed.  We will miss them!
5.  Mom, Dad, Debs, Kristina, David and I have spent countless hours researching, emailing and calling doctors...making some headway though.  Sifting out and narrowing down!  UPDATE (since I drafted this post)David and I just had a phone consult and think we've found the doctor!  SO very thankful for this piece of the puzzle starting to come together!!!!!  It will take another flight to another state, but that's okay!!!

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly that all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and forever."  Eph. 3:20

So this sweet note and "treat" is what David receives upon his arrival from his trip today... I wonder who taught her how to draw that little airplane:-)
and this one is from Audrey An.  I love that the girls wanted to brighten their daddy's day because of their gratefulness to him.  David, you make it easy for us to love you!  I didn't make a pretty picture for you, but I AM SO GRATEFUL for you taking care of us, too.  You do a GREAT job!!!  I'm so proud of you.

Audrey An quote of the day: 
"Mommy, do they have Rams (as in Ramen noodles) in America?" 
wow...I think we've been gone a little too long... or let's just say she's ALWAYS thinking about food!
Noodles are her world :-)

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