Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WOW...just WOW!

A couple of weeks ago my sweet friend, Brantley, emailed me and asked what needed to be done stateside in order for our transition home to go as smooth as possible. that's a good friend! Several others have offered in the past few weeks so I decided to put together a "list" (gotta love me a list!), but it was kind of awkward emailing those friends who had offered help.  It's difficult to accept that kind of help when you know it's going to be really inconvenient for those who have offered, ya know!?  BUT, I decided to send it, because 1. they've offered  2. we need the help.  3. it was a direct answer to prayer!  So...I've got more "angels with skin" to put on my list from a few posts ago ;-)

I just spoke with Brantley and another friend, Estera, are at our home right now (and another one tomorrow) to begin "mission clean up/organize our lives" before the expats return!  WHAT a blessing!!!!  My other angel, Pam, who has already done some grocery shopping, freezer meal prep, and has assured me that Audrey An already has a case of Ramen Noodles waiting for her.  Another friend, Grace, is letting us borrow a car few a short time due to the fact we have no wheels when we return---we kinda sold both of our cars before we moved!  OH, I can't even begin to tell you how happy and relieved my heart is knowing that people are going to be lifting boxes, rearranging closets, and getting things back in order (we've had friends living in the house while we've been gone so all of our personal affects had been stashed in the girls' rooms so they could have room to "live")...things I canNOT physically do.   Knowing that I couldn't lift anything or do any of that unpacking due to my muscle weakness has been a concern and a matter of prayer for me of wondering how all that was going to be accomplished.  David is physically able, but he just has a truckload of other responsibilities upon our return that I so desired for the household burdens to be lifted from him.   He will have to bear the brunt of EVERYTHING again (including starting back to work earlier than we had hoped and anticipated) when we return due to his disabled wife...aka me. 

Other things that transpired today were those necessary things like walking to the end of our street and getting the girls hair cut (ha!).  My name was  "mud" for about 30 minutes after the fact according to Abigail.  You see, it's a tad difficult to communicate a style and length to someone you don't speak the same language!  Obviously, my hand gestures were misconstrued a tad as she cut more inches off that I communicated (or at least I thought I communicated via my wonderful hand gestures- OOPS!  I think she's over it, and a little peace offering of buying a her a new  shirt on the way home helped (oh, I so don't usually make bribes, but I was kind of desperate to get back on my eldest's good side if you know what I mean!).  She needed a little happy!  I think she looks beautiful though, of course!
Our sweet, little lady at the "Hair Design"....quality establishment that it is (upgrade from the "tree guy" though!).
We then had lunch with friends who came over and offered to pray for us.  It was a great time with Jacob and Linda.  One of the issues in which we prayed for was resolved just hours afterwards!  Our landlord who originally said she was going to refund our security deposit decided to change her mind for some reason.  Long story short, it's resolved and she admitted she was confused on a point in the contract and agreed (again) to refund it...every but helps!  YAY!

The girls had their last piano lessons today along with Audrey An's final tutoring session. Oh, I wasn't expecting to tear up saying goodbye to these lovely ladies, but...I did!  They each have contributed to a little a sunshine for my girls this school year and I'm SO very thankful!
Oh, how I've tried to let this be my theme!  I KNOW it's the ONLY thing...HE is the only ONE to see me through our remainder time here, flight home, and transition back home...and everything else in between!
 "I thank my God every time I remember you [family and friends!].  In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy  because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Phil 1:3-6

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