Thursday, December 2, 2010

Be Still

Like the title post says....that's about all I can be right now!  I threw my back out of whack yesterday due to my over zealous packing attempts.  Now I'm REALLY paying for it.  There's so much that needs to be done and so little time.  David told me last night, "I don't want you to pack up one more thing."  yeah, right!?!?!  Well, actually, yeah, he IS right.  God has a funny way of making one "be still and know".  I'm such a control freak and I'm so out of control with things right now.  Ummm, that makes me a bit c.r.a.z.y. ya know?!  I know deep deep deep in my heart that we're doing the right thing.  It's just a weeeeee bit overwhelming to prepare for an international move in 30 days (and as of today not even sure what city we're going to be in).  I had someone ask me this week how the moving preparations were going, and I responded with just a couple sentences.  You would have thought I had 10 heads growing out of me or something.  Seriously???  Do people not have a clue about what it takes to move- especially an international move?  Well, guess not.  Oh, wow....Lord, give me patience (with myself and others). 

It's hard being a perfectionist and feel out of control.  Like a told two friends yesterday...I really need God to show up and carry me (fly me, actually!) through these next few weeks.  My girls need as much stability, security, and normalcy as possible.  They need to see mommy and daddy calm.  They need to see mommy and daddy praying for peace, patience, guidance.  They need to see God do "great and mighty things".  They need to see faith being lived out right in front of their very own eyes.   They need to see their own faith grow and mature.  I know this will happen.  I know this must happen.  I trust in You.

Okay, so guess I should go sign off and go eat some more bon bons!

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