Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Day in the Life (for this week at least!)

When we arrived we were sweating and have had our flip flops on up until today.  Today we had to break out the jackets and closed toe shoes.  It was pretty chilly and very windy this morning until lunch time.  It's supposed to be back in the 70's tomorrow...we'll see.  My new friend, Tonya, and I ventured out with the two peep-squeeks while David was in class.  She found a new route to walk in order to get to the GO (General Offices) without having to check you blood pressure when you arrived due scooters zooming by you!  AA liked it MUCH better (as did I!).

This is kinda what our days look like for now... about 7am (depending how many hours we've been up already!) we go down for breakfast (which consists of rice, noodles, pho, bread (french baguette), dragon fruit (yummy!), orange juice (which tastes like Tang), and hot tea.  The girls like the yogurt and fried eggs when they have it.  We come back to the room so David can study for about an hour before leaving for the GO.  The girls start school (ahemmmm...notice THE GIRLS start school.  I'm officially not on the clock YET- hee hee!).  We do that for a couple of hours (yes, I'll answer some questions... but not many when it comes to 4th grade math.  Jennifer, I REALLY need the answer keys!!!).  I'm more into AA's math..."How many pennies did you color brown?"!!!!!).  Then Tonya and I venture out for a few hours, have lunch, try to avoid the scooter madness, and smile back when all the locals look at me like I've kidnapped one of their children .  I guess I was thinking it was going to be more like in China when everyone wanted to take pics of Abigail and touch her hair- not so (at least so far).  I get more looks at me (and I'm sure it has nothing to do that I'm 5'10", blonde and happens to have one daughter who is asian!).  David gets finished with class around 5 then we we're off to find dinner.  Don't forget we have no car here so we're hailing a cab or walking at least 1/2 mile for food...yeah. Alas, we're back at the hotel, and we sit around with toothpicks in our eyes trying to stay awake until AT LEAST 8pm....then we take some sleep aids, then....we wake up a couple of hours later and try to go back to sleep : )

Tomorrow I'm going to start hunting for our apartment....yeah!  Hotel living is not the greatest for a family of four- although we have done it before a few years ago.  That round was for 3 months, and we only had one child.  I love it when you are "prepared" for the new task!

Here's the G.O.
I have a feeling this will be the local hang out.  It's a coffee shop on the main floor of the building where the GO is.  We run into all the pilots and wives here each day!
We met pilot boy for lunch today.
Lunch cost about 37,000 dong...that's about $1.50 USD (and that's with a coke, too!)...David couldn't even it all.  If you don't eat at the "western" type places, it's super duper cheap (and I'm not sure my tummy is quite ready for super duper cheap if you know what I mean).
Not quite a Chili's or Pappasito's, but it's cozy, right!?
We see HUNDREDS of these bikers a day....beautiful flowers here!

Chilly willy this morning!  I'm trying to find the pharmacy...ummm, note to self: take a picture on iphone of what you need and show to nice lady behind counter  : )

Yeh, I think that will keep the rain out. door you'll have this!

If you're Abigail and have a lot of time in your hands, this is what you come up with...isn't that awesome!!!!   I love the details!
 Audrey An's creative genius at work, too!

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