Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bye Bye Hotel & Hello New Home!

Oh, how I'll miss you, breakfast, but I'm excited to be moving into our new place!  The taxi (aka movers!) will be here in about an hour to take us...woo hoo!  I better figure out my new address : )
Pho (top left, and yes, those are jalepenos...David's lovin' that!), rice, noodles clementines and dragon fruit is what we've enjoyed the past 12 days in the hotel.  Fooey, I guess I'll have to learn how to make this!  

Okay, so it's been about 5 hours since I posted the breakfast plate.  Now the girls and I are getting settled in the new place while David is shopping for me!  Oh, how I would love to hop in my car and drive to Target and get everything I need (cleaning supplies, hangers, FOOD, washcloths, etc.  Apparently they don't believe in washcloths in this country.  They didn't have them at the hotel either!).  It's been QUITE interesting communicating with our new friends in the building.  Mrs. Bach is my new best friend...I think. I saw her each time I came to view the apartment.  I've been told now that she'll be my cleaning lady 3 times a week.  Before you gasp like I did given that I'd never spend money on someone coming to clean my house, most all apartments here are "serviced" (new term for me).  It's just part of the rental agreement.  I really think that's crazy given that I'd MUCH rather have a cook than a maid!!!!  I guess I should have tried to negotiate that : )  She's really quite delightful. She hugged me when I got out of the taxi, and she keeps picking up the girls and giggling while she says something in- umm, not english! Another gal from the real estate group (who mind you speaks very broken english) came over to deliver towels (that's another story!), and I asked her what Mrs. Bach was saying about my girls.  She said that "She (Abigail) so lovely. So white". LOL!!  I'm assuming she meant "fair skinned".  She is trying really hard to teach me the language in like....5 minutes!  I'm trying to understand what she's saying, but honestly, I just don't have a clue and playing "Guesstures" this afternoon is not working either!  We just smile and laugh at each other...a lot. Oh, this is going to be interesting...

On the other hand, David should be arriving at any moment.  I think he might be surprised that I've already set up house!  Let's just say my propeller has been if high gear since we got here.  Well, I guess it really shouldn't take one too much time when we only arrived with 9 suitcases and 5 backpacks.

Off to find food...

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