Monday, December 13, 2010

New Diet!

I've got just the answer for you if you want to lose 15!  It's called "The Prepare and Move to a New Country in less than 30 Days Diet"!   It works...seriously.  You really must try it!  About 6 days prior to us moving I went to the doc for the last round of some immunizations.  Of course, they weighed me.  I couldn't believe my ears (yes, I must say it was music to my ears).  I had shed some weight, and I hadn't even been trying.  Sweet!  This morning I put on my khaki capris and they hung on me.  I guess all that crazy running around, forgetting to eat lunch, and just plain stress the past 30 days did it.

We left Friday morning and arrived Saturday night (we lost 12 hours...eek!).  I may have shed about 5 of those lbs. just hours before the flight, too.  In true Christa stand-by fashion we weren't cleared from the stand-by list until minutes prior to take off.  David thought he was going to start this new chapter of our lives together alone.  I knew in my heart that this wasn't going to happen, but it made for some interesting "Plan A, B, and C" planning just in case!  Once we got on the flight it was smooth sailing from there.  Or maybe I should say smooth flying!  It was a loooooooooooong flight, but we arrived with all our luggage and successfully made an airport transfer and received our visas on arrival without a hitch.  Yeah!  We left our house at 8:30 am on Friday and entered our hotel room about 11:00pm on Saturday- a total of about 24 hours in the actual plane.

We're having a bit of trouble getting our bodies adjusted to the 12 hour time change.  David says I actually I'm right on schedule...3:30am wake up is quite normal for this insomniac!  Yesterday, we went to the "meet and greet" the the GO and met many of the other pilots and families.  That was nice.  David started his training today, and I hope that he can stay awake.  From just one hour last night with all of them it is VERY apparent that everyone is a close knit family here.  I look forward to getting to know one of the other wives as she has a 2 1/2 yr. old daughter and will be having another baby in in the spring.

It was great to see and hear the management, too.  We're having a "happy hour" tonight with the CEO's of David's  parent company.  They arrived a couple of days ago and toured both domiciles....expecting to purchase 6 more planes- so it's a big deal they're here.

The girls are doing great so far, and they have adjusted better today to the time change.  We had to peel Abigail's eyes open in the afternoon as we literally couldn't wake her from her power nap!  I am so thankful they love school.  They've started their own home school (YES!!!!  I guess their BORED). Seriously??? Who does that??? I never did when I was a kid- or at least I don't remember that.

We just got back from a short walk with a new friend who is like minded (one of the other wives), ate lunch, and have just returned back to our room.  The sites, sounds, and smells (and traffic!) remind all of us of China.  The girls are watching a movie, and I 'm going to unpack.  Okay, who am I kidding?  I'm about to take a power nap!   Abigail took some pics, but I'm too tired to post.  Maybe I will tonight.   I just can't believe we're finally here!!!!!!!!

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