Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Just Makes Me Smile

Just a few things that have made me smile the past 12 days:
*Boarding a plane and beginning this new adventure as a family of four!
*Audrey An lost her first tooth
*Abigail meeting some girls her age on Sunday
*Seeing a goat on a leash
*Canoe man
*Waking up to a rooster crowing each morning
*Buying lunch for 30,000VND
*Meeting new friends
*Having Julie keep my girls while I went apartment hunting
*Having Crissy go with me apartment hunting
*“Experiencing” the traffic
*Being thankful that our computer decided to not to completely “fry”...again
*Experiencing a different sights, new sounds, new smells, new everything!
*Listening to the girls perform their Christmas program for us in the hotel room
*Knowing my hubby is a happy man and doing what he loves
*Just LOVE knowing the fact that as family we're going to grow closer and experience things in a different way than back in the states
*Audrey An calling the goat a reindeer
*Watching my girls be creative with their time
*Seeing a “Ferrari” sticker on someone's motor bike
*Rejoicing with David in his great test grade
*Eating Oreos
*Vaccum packed laundry
*Signing a lease
*Ladies with high heels riding their motor bike...some even side saddle
*Fellowshipping on Sunday with like-minded people
*Hotel housekeeper pointing to David's picture and saying “You husband handsome” : )
*Hearing about some of the places we're going to visit
*Seeing hundreds of people sit on teeny tiny stools on the side of the road eating their lunch
*People giggling at us when they are trying to speak to us in english and it's not quite working
*Us giggling at each other when we're trying to communicate with the locals and it's not quite working
*Seeing flower bikers line the streets
*Student choir of visually impaired perform at Christmas party
*Kids playing
*Friends from SS class taking over
*Locals trying to figure out why I'm holding hands with 2 girls who don't look alike
*7 weddings in the hotel the past 5 days
*Breakfast in the hotel
*Free delivery....everywhere for everything
*Emails from friends and family
*Chocolate Cafe
*Seeing hundreds of eggs being transported on a motor bags-not cartons
*Smiles from strangers
*Bottled water
*Weird looks from strangers
*Local man asking me for directions...LOL!
*Simple ways of life
*Peter Pan peanut butter
* “Coca”---from a can
*Asking AA if she wanted congee for breakfast and she asked, “What is that?” (how things of changed in 18 months!)
*my new Merrell shoes....they've saved my feet and back & worth every penny
*thinking about how my girls are going to be happy when they see their stockings hanging in our new “home”
*thinking about how grateful I am for 2nd chances...or we wouldn't be here

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