Thursday, December 13, 2012

Huge praise!

Today, proved to be another exhausting day due to lack of sleep, PT evaluation and exercise, and speech therapy (yes, I can talk!  She's working with me on my swallowing difficulties- will have swallow study done on Friday).  This afternoon David and I received the confirmation we were praying for in regards to the IVIG treatment.  We received word from the rheumatologist that our insurance approved the treatment, and moments after that I received an email from Dr. M that I should go with the rheumatologist's recommendation with this treatment! So we are going for it!

So tomorrow I will begin the first three day infusion treatment of the IVIG. It will take about eight hours each day. They are also changing the delivery of my steroid so hopefully that will aid in better sleep...instead of every six hours of the IV I'm going to take the loading dose orally first thing in the morning...PLUS they agreed to give some good sleep aid tonight. Yay!  Oh!! Another praise is that CPK continues to decrease.  It  measure 4590 today.  It's basically been cut in 1/2  in three days with the increased steroid (which to my pleasing hasn't been anywhere on the scale of the amount given in Bangkok which is great!) and a constant saline drip which is flushing me out and helping reduce my inflammation.

Pray that this new treatment will prove success and God will use this in my miracle healing!  Pray that my body will respond to it quickly and with NO negative side effects.  The rheumatologist says if after three months (that's one treatment per month) we don't see improvement there would be no reason to continue it.  We are believing and asking God's favor in this!!!

If I were real smart I'd know how to upload my sweet visitors I had tonight from my phone onto my iPad, but.... Not sure how to do that!  Lets just say I had two cutie patooties overtake my hospital bed and their momma some good snuggles!!!

"The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth.  He hears their cry and saves them."  Psalm 145:18-19

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