Saturday, December 8, 2012

Patience...oh, give me some

After three solid days with a cumulative of about 18 hours at Dr. M's office this week it landed me visits with med students, one doc, one nurse practitioner, about seven different techs, a home healthcare asseessment, a sonogram, eight vials of blood, cold laser treatments on my back, jaw, neck and thighs and some new lab results.  Of those results I learned my CPK has again risen to 7948, have contracted two more bacterial infections PLUS mono.  Wow... am I a healthy chic or what!?!

Although its been one of my hardest weeks physically my blessings have been overflowing!  David had to leave on a four day trip, and God just went before us and totally took care of me!  Listen to all of my praises!
*friend spent night with me on Monday!
*meals were brought from four different friends!
*two friends came to clean my house!
*friend came and did laundry and even gave me a pedicure!
*five different friends got me to doctor appointments and girls to/from school!
*homeschool group from our church surprised me on Wednesday and raked tons of leaves and blew off our roof and gutters!
*after a very reluctant appointment with the nurse practitioner on Monday and Tuesday (because I didn't want to hash out my very complictEd case with someone new...ugh!) ended up being SUCH a blessing because she asked if she could pray for me and is the one who discovered I have mono!
*friend surprised me with taking pics of the girls and printed Christmas cards for us!
*my neighbor was home when I called to rescue me from not being able to get out of my!
*home healthcare assessment completed and will start net week!
*Deborah, my sis-n-law, flew out on Thursday nite for a long weekend to help out!
*friend stopped by doc's office for a word of encouragement and prayer!
*located a hospital bed and it was delivered by three men in out church!
*Audrey An decorated my new room with Christmas ornaments!

Prayer requests:
*continued wisdom and insight for Dr. M and team as well as direction for any needed referrals and if/when I should go stay with my parents
*body would not digress anymore...need increased muscle strength!
*God's protection of our entire family- spiritually, physically, mentally
*insurance coverage of home health and equipment needed
*stay focused on God's blessings and not the difficult circumstances...patience :-)
David and his little sis, Deborah!  THANKS for ALL you have done to help out this weekend!

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