Saturday, December 1, 2012

Where do we go from here?

In all things give thanks!

Blogger slacker again...sorry.  Lots been going on since last post so let me get everyone back up to speed.  Mom and and Dad flew out to help and stayed for two weeks.  I truly couldn't have made it without them with David flying. I was a week delayed getting all my amalgams removed due to dentist having an emergency.  I think that was a blessing that we had to break up the time.  It about sent me over the edge for him to work on me- sore jaw and weak neck don't make for a very comfortable dental visit. My condition has worsened, and we are all quite puzzled to say the least.  I'm not able to drive, prepare meals, or open my water bottle without help.  We've had to move to the downstairs guest room due to me not able to conquer the stairs at this point.  I'm thankful for some medical equipment I've been able to borrow from a church friend and am currently on the hunt for a hospital bed since I can't pull myself up from bed when David's out of town.  You know you are getting old when you get excited about an elevated potty chair!!!

I'm glad mom and dad got to meet Dr. M.  They were here for two appointments and had the pleasure of experiencing a six hour visit accompanied by the infusion room and shutting down the office..literally.  Got me some keeper parents, ya know!  That day we found out my CPK had risen to 6640 (way higher than when we left Vietnam and about 1500 below when I was first diagnosed 21 months ago)..  I've had CPK taken again plus some other tests and hope to get those results back at my Monday appointment.

David and I are in the middle of having to make some more decisions...again.  What's our next step?  What do we do?  Do we go to another doctor or clinic? Do I go live with my parents for awhile since I have a traveling husband?  What do we do with the girls' schooling if that happens?  Can we make it work until at least Christmas break then get to Texas? Do we continue to wait this out here?  God, please give us your wisdom. We know you already have the answers.

*Celebrated thanksgiving with David early due to him working in "the" day!
*Sweet daughters and mom who got out all my pretties for thanksgiving dinner!
*Friends providing meals!
*Friend coming to stay with me overnight this week!
*Friends coming on Wednesday to clean our house and a back up lady after that!
*Loving husband who's juggling lots of life right now and loving me through this!
*Prayer pager ministry through my church...who would have a little beep letting me know I've just been prayed for would encourage my heart so!
*David, the girls and my dad finding us a new Christmas tree!
*Biblical counselor who called to check on me because I wasn't able to get to my appointment!
*Texts and emails from friends and family!
*Online sermons and music!
*Elevated potty chair!
*Mom who sends me scripture  daily!
*Dad who spends his day researching and shopping for me an electric chair thingy-ma-jig!
*Prayer groups from all over lifting up not only me but my entire family!
*Picnic by the lake with my husband... Beautiful Fall weather!
*God's provision through David's schedule this week when mom and dad had to leave!
*Friend going to the farmers market for me...really trying to change my diet and eats tons of anti inflammatory foods!
*Redbox movies!
*God's promises and patience towards me!
*Doctor who is a detective!
Grandparents Day at school unexpected blessing!
Abigail's first band concert!

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